09 Mar 20 Best Crystals for Strength
When people talk about strength, showcasing brute force and besting our opponents on the battlefield are always at the forefront. The truth is, strength comes in different forms — it can be our inner resilience in dealing with situations that are not going our way, the way we conduct ourselves in the face of challenges, and even how we deal with emotional trauma.
Furthermore, inner strength means being kind to ourselves and having faith that everything will work out in our favor no matter what happens. Let’s take a look at the many crystals for strength and the benefits you can get from welcoming their healing properties into your life.
20 Crystals To Boost Your Strength
1. Amethyst
Amethyst brings stability and inner peace. This crystal is deeply connected to the crown chakra and allows you to be clear and connected to your Earth energy or your deepest sense of self. This perfect stone is rife with peaceful energy so you can foster a better understanding of people and situations and even cure apathy and encourage physical healing.
Furthermore, the amethyst clears anxiety in those who fear stepping out into the world. These stones lend strength and courage to those who may be quite nervous about taking the reins when it comes to their own life.
2. Aquamarine
Forever calming and soothing, the blue aquamarine clears away unpleasant emotions of loneliness, so you stand strong in your own power. It encourages inner peace by enhancing strength and bravery, especially in the face of conflict so that you can express your feelings clearly without hesitation, anger, or judgment.
Furthermore, aquamarine teaches you to have the power to let go and trust that things will always work out in the end.
3. Aventurine
The serene green aventurine reminds us that all things come to pass. This crystal brings in gentle strength and opens up your heart to receiving abundance. It inspires one to let go of negative toxic patterns and embrace a positive balance.
You can seek the powers of the aventurine if you need an extra dose of luck in your life.
4. Bloodstone
The bloodstone, also known as warrior stone, adorned the armor and weapons of ancient warriors in battle. It’s believed to enhance power, strength, and courage, which is why it’s one of the best crystals for strength! This crystal helps you find the inner strength to persevere no matter what you’re going through.
This is an excellent crystal to keep by your side during tough times, such as illness, major life changes, or any workplace struggle. It will provide you with that much-needed power and energy needed to push forward.
5. Bronzite
The bronze bronzite, although relatively unknown, is one of the most amazing crystals to harness strength within. It is a great source of grounding, balancing, and stabilizing energy, and is abundant with the emotional strength you need in facing difficulties. This great crystal inspires decisiveness and determination, so you don’t drown in waves of self-doubt.
Many also regard the bronzite as the stone of focused action, as it strongly contributes to the power and courage you need to transform your life and bring about balance and harmony to your well-being.
6. Carnelian
The fiery red carnelian is all about taking a courageous step forward. Whenever you’ve lost passion for life or are sick and tired of the everyday motions, this healing crystal is highly regarded to boost your physical and mental strength. This crystal will also serve as a companion to your lower chakras, which is the source of creativity and passion.
7. Citrine
The sunny yellow citrine is a natural source of positive vibes. Sometimes, we need a positive mindset to develop strength and power! This energizing crystal reminds us that the sun will always shine after the doom and gloom of the storm. Furthermore, this healing crystal is rife with good luck and attracts awesome abundance into our lives.
Use the strengthening influence of this crystal whenever you want to welcome its golden glow into your life to re-energize and revitalize you. Its healing properties are great for those who are low in mood or energy.
8. Clear Quartz
The clear quartz is a crystal deeply connected with our crown chakra. This Master Healer is a potent stone for amplifying our energy, so we have better self-discipline and strength to manifest our dreams. These healing crystals are a must-have for your arsenal as they cleanse your energy, purify toxic thought patterns, and allow you to send your desires and needs out into the universe.
Use the clear quartz whenever your clogged soul needs cleansing. It enhances clarity and amplifies your energy so you have better strength to manifest the things you want.
9. Garnet
The garnet is a deep red stone that keeps your self-confidence bright and glowing. It is an excellent stone for clearing blockages in all shapes and forms. The garnet effectively brings back lost self-confidence and strength to work through whatever situation you might be going through.
10. Green Amethyst
The green amethyst, also known as prasiolite, is deeply associated with the heart chakra and is a powerful source of love, self-acceptance, and compassion. It inspires you to be brave in your own skin for your overall well-being. Furthermore, this crystal removes any negative energy that may be plaguing your spiritual and personal growth.
11. Hematite
The blackish-silver hematite crystal is the best bullet to fight past the cobwebs and shadows of negative energy. This precious stone puts you in balance and harmony, so you rise to the occasion every day. This is a stone rife with positivity, strength, and sheer vitality — three things we need as we face the hardships and challenges of everyday life.
Moreover, hematite will help enhance your physical body, too. If you have been feeling sluggish for a while, this stone will provide that much-needed iron and oxygen to your blood, so you feel revitalized.
12. Labradorite
While more commonly used as a crystal to bring in good luck, the dreamy labradorite also works well as a crystal for strength. The labradorite inspires courage to embrace new opportunities to bring transformation and new beginnings into our lives. This crystal also acts as a protector against negative energies, like depression and anxiety, so that we may shine brightly and beautifully.
The labradorite is also known to promote psychic abilities — it strengthens intuition, protects the aura, raises consciousness, and grounds spiritual energies.
13. Lapis Lazuli
The blue lapis lazuli is deeply embedded within our spirituality and gives us the strength we need to know and understand ourselves deeply. This stone brings balance to your mind, body, and soul so that you can make the right decisions whenever you’re feeling lost.
This stone is all about understanding and accepting our inner self and spirituality to make decisions that benefit us. It also gives us the personal power to speak our truth.
14. Moonstone
The pale moonstone is rife with feminine energies. Like the moon, it represents the many different phases in our lives and reminds us not to be fearful when the tides shift. It gives us that much-needed personal power and resilience to stop fighting inevitable change and acts as a beacon of light to guide us through dark and difficult times.
15. Obsidian
The black obsidian acts as a protective stone to empaths who find themselves sharing much of others’ burdens and negative energies. This strength stone teaches them to enforce boundaries so that they stay protected and stand in the light of their inner power.
Furthermore, this black stone makes one feel strong and invincible and that they have all the energy within them to overcome whatever challenge life throws their way. This powerful stone keeps one’s physical and mental state healthy and resilient.
16. Red Tiger’s Eye
The red tiger’s eye emits similar energy to that of a traditional tiger’s eye stone, with a few subtle differences — it provides the complementary passion, creativity, confidence, and abundance one needs to go after their goals and dreams. Furthermore, it provides the mental, physical, and emotional strength required to accomplish difficult tasks, surprisingly, without added stress.
This stone balances all aspects of the self — the masculine and feminine, light and dark, earthly and spiritual. Also known as the survival stone, it grounds you in reality, so you don’t get too swept away in the pursuit of strength and greatness.
17. Rose Quartz
The rose quartz may be soft and pink to the eye, but don’t let that fool you — this is one of the best crystals for strength out there. This heart stone reminds you to face challenges not with brevity or resilience but with love and compassion. It imparts the emotional strength of being kind and forgiving not only to others but more so to yourself.
If you find yourself overly self-critical and harsh, seek the help of rose quartz stones to lend a bit of compassion to everything you do, whether you do it well or not. This is also the best crystal to keep by your side whenever you practice positive affirmations and self-care.
18. Selenite
Pure white selenite is used by many to achieve mental clarity and peace. Whenever you find your nervous system frazzled, these white crystals may be just what you need to put things into perspective! It brings back positive energy levels by soothing frayed nerves and bringing crystal-clear thinking to the forefront. This stone is the natural tranquilizer you need whenever your mind feels foggy and muddled.
Furthermore, white selenite crystals ensure that you don’t become overwhelmed with things that are temporary.
19. Serpentine
The blue serpentine is a crystal deeply connected with our crown chakra, and yet it also has the ability to open all the other chakras. It defends us from negative energy while attracting positive vibes at the same time. When our spirit is cleared of all forms of emotional stress, we expand our consciousness and experience inner strength.
The belief that we can achieve everything we set our hearts to is attainable in a heart that’s fully peaceful and acceptant.
20. Tiger’s Eye
With its likeness taking on the appearance of a cat’s eye, the tiger’s eye is a great motivator and gives you that extra push to go after things you want. This crystal is fierce and fabulous — it’s not one to be shy in lending you that awesome inner strength to reach your goals and aspirations. Whenever your faith in yourself starts wavering, seek assistance from the tiger’s eye to solidify and ground you.
This stone also ensures that you’re well-guarded, making this an excellent protective stone. It also does wonders in lending courage to people who find it difficult to express their needs or shy away from confrontations.
How To Use Crystals For Strength
Now that you know which crystals and stones are best to enhance strength, it is time to use them as healing crystals.
Wear Crystal Jewelry
Wearing them as jewelry is the best way to bring their powers into your life and keep you strong and well-protected throughout the day. Having them directly against your skin encourages all its energy to flow into your heart. It’s also one of the best ways to signal to the universe that you are serious about welcoming their intentions into your life.
Carry Them
If you don’t feel like wearing crystal jewelry, you can still manifest the strength of the stones by carrying them. Carrying them in your pocket or purse is just as effective as wearing them against your skin. Whenever overwhelming thoughts and feelings start to consume you, you can seek stabilizing and grounding energy from the stones.
Place Them At Work
Most of us can’t help but feel self-conscious in the midst of co-workers who may be performing better than us. Placing crystals in your desk or office station can give you better confidence in your own self-worth.
Meditate With Them
Using healing stones during meditation is the best way to remove blockages plaguing your mental and spiritual self. Set aside some time during the day to meditate with crystals or use a crystal grid and feel the weight of negativity start to lift from your shoulders, replaced with a powerful grounding effect.
Place Them on Your Lower Chakras
The lower chakras of the spirit, particularly the root chakra, sacral chakra, and solar plexus chakra, are the source of strength and personal power. Placing the crystals against your root chakra will remove all blockages, so you stand balanced and firm.
What is the rarest crystal for strength?
The blood chalcedony is one of the rarest crystals on Earth for strength. This crystal is strongly associated with the throat chakra and allows us to speak our truth with utmost strength. Furthermore, this red crystal gives us the ability to unlock our true potential.
Do crystals improve physical strength?
Yes, crystals can improve physical strength. Crystals are known to tap into your base chakra, which promotes emotional, spiritual, and, of course, physical energy.
Crystals For Strength: Key Takeaways
With the help of these crystals for strength, there is no telling what the limitations of our inner strength are. These are great tools to have in our arsenal whenever we feel helpless, stuck, or lost. These crystals for strength will bring courage and the subsequent positive energy, so we walk through life with passion, fervor, and love.
Which of these crystals for strength resonated with you? Sound off below!
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