09 Mar 20 Best Crystals For Focus & Concentration
When a person is out of focus, completing a task and remaining productive is hard. The worst thing is that losing focus can prevent you from achieving goals and hurt your self-esteem in the long run
Fortunately, our team spent 36 hours researching different crystals for focus to help you maintain concentration and get back on track.
20 Crystals To Boost Your Focus
1. Amazonite
Amazonite is an opaque stone with pale milky and white cloudy textures ranging from light green to deep green. It has a soft and attractive color that resembles Jadeite and Nephrite.
When To Use:
Amazonite is a versatile healing crystal that has a close connection with your nervous system and positively impacts your ability to maintain focus and concentration. The stone has a soothing nature that can clear negative energy and refocus your mind.
In addition, Amazonite resonates well with the heart chakra and throat chakra, so you will gather confidence to speak your mind.
2. Amethyst
Amethyst is the most popular purple stone with a colorless streak. It has a coarse-grained variety of mineral Quartz and is considered a prized possession of collectors because of its color.
When To Use:
Amethyst is a great help if you are overwhelmed and anxious about everything. When you use Amethyst in meditation, it supports mental clarity and brings calmness just by keeping it near you.
In addition, If you are out of focus and need mental clarity, having divine intervention, Amethyst, can be a great stone to help you in your spiritual journey. The stone encourages relaxed thinking, which will avoid overcomplicating things.
3. Aventurine
Aventurine is known for its metallic sheen, and it comes in different colors like blue, orange, green, red, and yellow. Because of its grainy texture, Green Aventurine has an irregular fracture and has a rough surface similar to quartzite or marble.
When To Use:
If you want to keep your focus, especially when it comes to financial goals, Aventurine can be a lucky green crystal. People with a successful life keep their focus on the goals they want to achieve, and fortunately, Aventurine can contribute to keeping your concentration on the goal. In addition, it invites prosperity, luck, and positive energy that will help you in stressful situations.
4. Blue Sapphire
Blue Sapphire is a dichroic stone, and its color varies depending on the angle of reflection the stone is viewed. Its color is mainly because of the small amounts of titanium and iron and is commonly translucent and transparent.
When To Use:
Blue Sapphire is best to connect to higher frequencies and gives divine guidance and support. It helps achieve inner balance, reduce stress, and remove mental distractions that hinder a person from achieving success.
In addition, Blue Sapphire resonates well with the throat chakra, so it will help you improve your communication skills. It brings self-confidence, encourages self-discipline, and helps you stay focused on your goal.
5. Blue Scapolite
Blue Scapolite is a stone with a long columnar formation. The blue stone looks like a stick or stem, and it is one rare gemstone.
When To Use:
Blue Scapolite is a rare gemstone and powerful crystal that helps in problem-solving even under stressful situations. It brings motivation, offers guidance, and encourages mental focus.
Moreso, Blue Scapolite assists you in clearing mental or creative blocks and negative patterns to reduce mental chatter and confusion. It resonates well with the throat chakra to give you an efficient, clear, and precise answer.
6. Calcite
Calcite is usually colorless or white, but it also comes in various colors such as yellow, orange, and brown. It has a white streak and has diaphaneity of transparent to translucent.
When To Use:
If you need mental clarity and want to develop mental abilities, Calcite is one of the best crystals for focus. It directs, grounds, and keeps you focused on ensuring that you complete your goal and achieve success.
In addition, Calcite resonates well with the root chakra, solar plexus chakra, and third eye chakra by clearing out negative energy and harmonizing with positive energy.
7. Citrine
Citrine is closely associated with Amethyst because it has the same structure except for its oxidation state.
When To Use:
Our mind tends to be filled with negative energy when in stressful situations, so Citrine is a wonderful crystal you can use to clear out negative energies. It can tap into positivity and resonate well with the sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra. In addition, Citrine can help you shake off brain fog and pull you up in bootstraps.
8. Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is transparent and colorless and is generally in hexagonal prisms. It has a white and colorless streak with small inclusions like a smudge.
When To Use:
Clear Quartz is one of the best beginner crystals with high vibration energy and can amplify other stones when paired. If you need mental chatter, Clear Quartz can help you wash away negative energy and reduce the dialogue within your mind.
Clear Quartz Crystal can help you achieve clarity, improve concentration and get laser-sharp focus. It brings mental focus and brings higher consciousness which is personal power.
9. Flourite
Fluorite is a common mineral with four directions of cleavage and breaks into pieces in octahedron shape. It has translucent-to-transparent physical properties and is commonly green, purple, and yellow.
When To Use:
When making decisions, logical thinking is an essential skill to train to improve focus. Fortunately, sitting with Fluorite is enough to avoid mental confusion and enhance focus. Fluorite is a wonderful stone that clears blockages, self-doubt, and negativity. It helps in enhancing intuition and builds resilience that you will need to make the right decisions in life.
10. Hematite
Hematite has a luster that ranges from earthy to metallic, and it comes in shades like red, brown, gray, and silver. It has a variable appearance and comes in various forms like massive and oolitic.
When To Use:
Hematite is a sleek-looking and unique stone with a high content of iron. It is known to absorb negative elements that hold you back and bring you to a state of focus, mental clarity, and concentration.
Moreso, Hematite is a wonderful stone for meditation and resonates well with the heart chakra. Incorporating Hematite calms your mind and shifts you to the right perspective when you lack motivation and focus.
11. Malachite
Malachite is a popular and rare found crustal with bright green color. It is translucent, opaque, and has a dull to earthy luster.
When To Use:
If you feel unfocused or you worry a lot, Malachite is a beautiful and powerful stone that can ward off negative energies that you carry. Malachite is one of the focus crystals protecting you from distraction, noise, and bright lights. Wearing it can help you stay focused and break the negative patterns in life.
In addition, Malachite encourages growth and productivity, so if you are writing a to-do list, keeping it near you gives you a fair chance of accomplishing something.
12. Obsidian
Obsidian has a glassy luster and is typically in jet-black color. However, with the presence of iron oxide, it produces brown and red varieties.
When To Use:
Staying focused can be challenging to some, especially when you have a lot of things on your plate, so to help you out, Obsidian is the best crystal to use. Obsidian is a stone that keeps you grounded, provides protection, and helps you with mental processes.
Self-reflection with Obsidian is easier because it builds a spiritual wall to protect you from unwanted energies. Moreso, it clears out blockages on your crown and third eye chakras.
13. Rainbow Fluorite
Rainbow Fluorite is bright and pale, and it is enriched with colors green and purple. It has a multifaceted color scheme and is oozing with dazzling energy.
When To Use:
If you need calming energy that brings order to a chaotic mind, Rainbow Fluorite is one of the best crystals you can use. Rainbow Fluorite can clear out negative energy and helps a lot in problem-solving. It provides mental coordination, improves physical health, and gives protection and stabilization to the aura.
In addition to this, Rainbow Fluorite neutralizes stress and brings healing energy. When paired with other crystals, Rainbow Fluorite increases the power of concentration and self-confidence that greatly contributes to decision-making.
14. Red Jasper
Red Jasper has a smooth surface, and because of its iron inclusion, it produces a red color.
When To Use:
Use Red Jasper when you need to tap Mother Earth’s energy. The crystal has radiant red energy that stirs up the soul, encouraging it to keep on track. It helps you engage in any situation without getting sidetracked and fills you with power, zest, and stability.
Moreover, Red Jasper is a stone of endurance and performs well in clarity and focus. It brings inner peace and releases spiritual powers.
15. Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is grainy, hazy, and cloudy in appearance. It has a vivid pink shade, and its color is due to the tiny amounts of iron, titanium, and manganese.
When To Use:
Self-sabotaging voice can affect your focus, so to get rid of it, you can use Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz helps get back to your own sense and assists you in achieving a deeper level of inner knowledge.
In addition, Rose Quartz provides a solid emotional basis and is one of the best crystals for focus. It releases healing power and can be helpful in meditation.
16. Selenite
Selenite is an earthy to dull crystal without visible crystalline affinities. It has shades of brown-green and brownish-yellow and has a clay-like texture.
When To Use:
Selenite is a powerful stone that promotes peace and calmness. It can clear blocked energy, access your intuition, and help increase focus. Moreso, Selenite vibrates at high frequencies and is one of the best healing crystals you can use. It can enhance manifestation, promotes connection, and elevate your spirit.
17. Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz is translucent Quartz with a brownish-gray shade. Smoky Quartz is a silicon dioxide crystal-like other quartz gemstone.
When To Use:
Smoky Quartz is one of the crystals for focus that you can use to cleanse negative energy from your surroundings. The light smoky gray stone from the quartz family can be used as healing crystals and help you reach higher consciousness.
In addition, when you have a cloudy mind, Smoky Quartz is a consistent protective stone that protects you from confusion. Smoky Quartz releases calming energy. It helps you achieve a deeper level of inner knowing.
18. Sodalite
Sodalite is a blue to blue-violet stone and is usually translucent with a vitreous luster. It has a white veining and is commonly overlooked as Lapis Lazuli.
When To Use:
When your emotion keeps on troubling you, Sodalite is one of the crystals for focus that you can use to train your thoughts. Keeping Sodalite near you when doing test-taking or to-do-list improves concentration and state of mind.
In addition, Sodalite is one of the healing stones you can use to seek a peaceful moment amidst the storm. When overwhelmed with problems, take a few deep breaths and use the healing crystals to clear away negativities.
19. Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye is a metamorphic rock with a red-brown to golden color and silky luster.
When To Use:
One of the best healing stones that can aid your anxiety and stress is the Tiger’s Eye. Tiger’s Eye is a powerful stone in modern life wherein it helps you achieve focus and mental clarity. It helps you analyze the situation and brings you confidence when making choices.
Tiger’s Eye has an intense sharpness that you can use to survive circumstances. Also, it brings a surge of creativity that you can use to achieve your goals in life.
20. Tourmaline
Tourmaline has a vitreous luster commonly in green, yellow, pink, or colorless shades.
When To Use:
Tourmaline can counteract negative energy that affects physical and mental health when undergoing mental therapy. The protective stone shields unwanted influences and radiation that we encounter daily. The energetic influence of Tourmaline can affect the balance, and you can use it to strengthen influences.
In addition, it harmonizes well with all the chakras, and when you combine it with the best crystals, Tourmaline is a powerful grounding stone.
How To Use These Crystals for Focus
Place On Them Your Desk
The crystals for focus can be placed on the desk when working and studying. It washes away negative energy from your surroundings and invites calming energy to help you concentrate. You can place it on a bowl or lay in your feng shui desk to achieve mental breakthroughs or learn new things.
Use During Meditation
One way to clear your mind is by meditation, and the healing crystals can be one of the best things you can incorporate in your meditation. When you use the crystal collection, it increases concentration tenfold and clarity.
Place Them Inside Your Pocket
Placing crystals inside your pocket can boost concentration and focus. Keeping the crystals close to you attracts brain-boosting energy and drives away negative charges. In addition, crystals in your pocket can help you stay calm and relaxed in a chaotic or stressful environment.
Wear As A Jewelry
Wearing crystals as jewelry enhances your concentration and focus. Crystals work well when in skin contact, especially those with psychic and healing properties. In addition, wearing crystals as jewelry and accessories is more fun because they can easily match outfits.
Frequently Asked Questions About Crystals
Which crystal is good for studies?
Clear Quartz crystals are good for studies because it helps you retain information easily. Clear Quartz also helps improve focus which is why it is perfect for studying.
Can crystals improve your productivity?
Yes, crystals improve productivity. It is believed that crystals can be a great tool to help you gain mental sharpness and give you a higher sense of productivity. In addition, crystals help improve intelligence and clear out negativities that will help you be more productive even in stressful situations.
We cannot control everything that happens, but we can control the way we respond. And with the use of crystals for focus, we can have a clear and sound mind even in times of chaos.
A focused mind attracts prosperity, and it can be a great tool in achieving your goals. Fortunately, there are powerful crystals for focus that you can use to improve concentration and emit positivity.
Are you struggling to keep your focus? We can recommend crystals for you! Just let us know by commenting down below.
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