12 Jul Crown Chakra Affirmations
If you are trying to connect with the spirit world but keep hitting a wall, you probably need to work on your crown chakra, and one of the easiest ways to do this is by using affirmations. Let’s take a look at how you can use affirmations to unlock your crown chakra and connect with your divine energy.
What Is The Crown Chakra?
The seven chakras are like our spiritual energy centers. They each represent a different sacred part of our being, and the final or seventh chakra is the crown.
Also known as Sahasrara, the crown is located at the top of the head and is responsible for connecting us with the spiritual world. An open crown chakra brings deep inner peace and divine wisdom, allowing us to openly accept spiritual guidance from the higher power.
Not only does this influence our physical body and health, supporting clean living, strength, and longevity, but it also brings emotional balance and an almost angelic sense of tranquility. When you activate your crown chakra, you will naturally lose the urge to spend time complaining or criticizing others and instead be drawn to your life purpose and soul mates.
Spiritually, a balanced crown chakra also means that you will be able to read others with ease and interact with the spiritual world.
Is My Crown Chakra Blocked?
Our chakras can become unbalanced in many ways, and the crown chakra becomes underactive or blocked when we ignore and deny our spiritual selves. A blocked crown chakra is very common, especially in families and cultures where spirituality/faith is shunned.
Crown blockages can cause closed-mindedness, confusion, and a lack of inspiration, as well as poor coordination, a tendency to oversleep, chronic tension headaches, and fatigue.
Crown Chakra Healing Affirmations
We can use affirmations to balance and open all of our chakras, but the crown is notoriously hard to activate – so what kind of affirmations should we use for this chakra?
There are two types of affirmations that you can use, and it’s all about your mind, so you should choose whatever feels right to you. You can either affirm that your crown chakra is perfectly aligned and open or you can make your affirmations about your divine connection – which would naturally bring it into alignment.
In using these types of affirmations, you should recognize yourself as a divine being and affirm for spiritual awareness, strong spiritual connection, eternal peace, and inner wisdom.
How To Use Crown Chakra Affirmations
Before you can start putting affirmations into practice, you need to decide on what they are. You don’t need more than two or three, and you should keep them short and to the point. It’s not necessary to say them out loud, but you can if you want to.
You can affirm whenever you want; the more often the better, but the best times to say your affirmations are within the first thirty minutes when you wake up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night, as this is when your subconscious is at its most receptive.
Saying them during meditation is also powerful, especially for your crown chakra. In fact, doing spiritual rituals and practices like meditation is the best way to activate the crown. It may help to visualize your crown chakra as a bright white radiant light, or even hold some crystals that relate to the crown such as clear quartz and selenite.
How Quickly Do Crown Chakra Affirmations Work?
How long it will take for your chakra affirmations to work will depend on how much mental resistance you have to them. As mentioned above, the crown chakra is famously hard to activate, but anything is possible with dedication and intention.
Although, it should probably be the last chakra that you work on; the other six should come first. It will be much easier to open your crown if your other chakras are in alignment.
If you’re prone to thinking negative thoughts, it’s important that you do not dwell on them, especially when they are in opposition to your affirmations. Otherwise, they will offset your positive affirmations and keep your chakra blockages in place.
Can The Crown Chakra Become Overactive?
A blockage isn’t the only crown chakra imbalance there is – it can also become overactive when it is used without balance. The crown can become overactive when we lose ourselves in the spiritual world and become disconnected from our physical bodies and other Earthly matters.
This can cause it to go into overdrive, affecting our judgment of others or even making us judgemental. It can even make us feel a little arrogant and apathetic towards physical things and interfere with our sleep.
You can use chakra affirmations to rebalance an overactive crown chakra by affirming that you are in control of your spiritual connection and balance it out by working on your root chakra, spending time in the present moment, using your physical body, and appreciating nature.
Affirmations are the easiest way to balance your chakras and activate your crown. Be sure to utilize our top tips for a healthy, balanced crown chakra and to embrace life as the spiritual being that you are!
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