08 Sep Cord Cutting Meditations: What Are They & How To Do Them
If you’re struggling to disconnect from a former relationship or cut somebody toxic out of your life, you should consider doing a cord-cutting meditation. So what exactly are they and how do you do it? Let’s take a look.
What Are Cord-cutting Meditations?
We’re all energetically connected to the people we share our lives with. When those connections become toxic or draining and we don’t want them anymore, but it can be hard to let go due to the energetic cords between you.
However, cord-cutting meditations can help. These are meditations in which we can use techniques that focus our intentions and energies on cutting the so-called cords or severing the connection between you, allowing us to move on.
Who Should Do A Cord-cutting Meditation?
You can do a cord meditation, also called a cord cutting ritual, to sever your energetic ties from anyone who deprives you of positive energy or brings negative energy into your life. This could be a family member, a romantic relationship, an ex, a friendship, a workmate, or somebody who has done us wrong.
They can also be done for other people, for empaths, for people who struggle with addictive or compulsive behaviors, and people who are struggling to get over a traumatic event.
Benefits Of Cord-cutting Meditations
These benefits of cutting cords from toxic relationships or situations include more physical and spiritual energy from fewer negative bonds, greater peace of mind from freedom of thought about the negative bond, lower stress levels which improve your physical and emotional health, and more time and space for more purposeful, joyful work and relationships.
How To Do A Cord-cutting Meditation
Let’s take a look at how to perform a powerful cord-cutting meditation. Bare in mind that this is a general guide, and you can tailor it to what feels right to you as you go.
The first step to doing a cord-cutting meditation is to prepare your mind and prepare your space. Find where you want to do your meditation and decide on exactly what or who it is you wat to cut the cord from.
Make sure it’s a quiet room that you feel safe and comfortable in and you won’t be disturbed in. You may want to cleanse the space by smudging it with sage or another purifying herb, diffusing some purfiying essential oils like Frankensense, or placing a cleansing crystal like Selenite in the room.
It may also help to perform the ritual on a new or full moon, because lunar energy is purifying and renewing.
Next, find a position that you feel comfortable in; whether it’s sitting or lying down, and relax your body and mind by closing your eyes and breathing slowly and deeply.
If you’re finding it hard to focus or relax, try playing some meditative music, such as a cleansing sound bath with healing frequencies, binaural beats, or Tibetan singing bowls.
Set An Intention
Once you’ve entered a relaxed state, be sure to set your intention on what you want to happen. This helps you to stay focused and directs your energy in the right direction.
Breathe & Visualize
Focus on your breathing and as you inhale, visualize a bright, pure white light entering your body, and as you exhale, imagine that you are breathing out black smoke. This will help you to release all of your dark, negative energy and invite in positive, nurturing energy from the universe.
As you inhale the white light, feel it filling up your body, from the base of your spine up to the top of your head, enveloping your entire energy system. Keep doing this for as long as you need to to enter a positive meditative state, it may help to hold the palms of your hands upwards.
Identify The Cords
Once you have entered a positive meditative state, think of the person or thing that you want to cut the cord from, and imagine a cord attachment running between you and them or it. Don’t pass judgement on the cord, just acknowledge and observe it.
Ask For Help
Once you’ve identified the cord, you can ask a spiritual force to help you cut it if you want to. It could be God, your guardian angels, or another, similar entity, either out loud or in your head. This step is optional, but not necessary, as you can just use your own energy and power, but it can help, especially if you’re new to meditation or spiritual rituals.
Cut The Cord
This next step can be performed multiple ways, so just choose whatever feels right to you. You can either imagine a knife or another cutting tool cutting the cord, you can imagine yourself cutting the cord, or you can imagine the knife in your hands, and then you can physically perform the motion of cutting the cord.
If you’ve asked for spiritual help, you can also ask for a cord cutting tool to be placed in your hands, or, you can imagine God, or an angel, cutting the cord for you. It may also help to repeat a cord-cutting affirmation, either in your head or out loud.
Replace The Cord
If you feel a sense of loss after cutting the cord, fill it with light or ask your chosen spirit to help you. Alternatively, you can focus on something that makes you happy, or repeat some positive affirmations that invite positive light and love into your energy field.
If you are getting rid of a connection that has involved betrayal or abuse, you can also repeat affirmations of forgiveness. Or, if you’re cutting the cord between you and a situation rather than person, such as addiction, you can recite affirmations of self-love and forgiveness.
How Long Does It Take?
There’s no set length of time that it takes to perform a cord cutting meditation, and it may take you a few times to feel separated. It all depends on you, how spiritually experienced you are, and how deep your connection is.
The Bottom Line
If you’re struggling to detach from a situation or move on from a bad relationship, why not try a cord-cutting meditation to sever your energy cords and free yourself? Follow our top tips for the best results!