01 Aug Chrysocolla – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties
Chrysocolla is a beautiful blue crystal that has an ancient history with lots of life-changing benefits and healing properties. Let’s take a closer look at the stone, what it means, and how you can use it for self-development.
In This Article
- What Is Chrysocolla?
- History of Chrysocolla
- Meaning Of Chrysocolla
- Chrysocolla Benefits & Healing Properties
- How To Use Chrysocolla
- Cleansing & Charging Chrysocolla
- Is Chrysocolla A Water-Safe Crystal?
- Who Should Use Chrysocolla Stones?
- Are There Any Negative Effects Of Using Chrysocolla?
- Is Chrysocolla Toxic?
- Where Can I Buy A Piece Of Chrysocolla?
- How To Tell If Chrysocolla Is Real Or Fake?
- Which Crystals Work Well With Chrysocolla?
- In Conclusion – Is Chrysocolla Right For Me?
What Is Chrysocolla?
Chrysocolla is a hydrated copper phyllosilicate mineral made up of malachite, cuprite, quartz, azurite, and limonite. It can be found wherever there are large deposits of copper; typically in rounded masses, vein fillings, or crusts in Africa, Mexico, and the US state of Arizona. The color of this stone can range from vibrant aqua blue to turquoise to green, and it can also have some brown or red in it.
History of Chrysocolla
The name Chrysocolla comes from the Greek words chrysos, meaning gold, and kola, meaning glue – because it was first used by goldsmiths to weld pieces of gold together. It was first used in the year 315 BC by Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher and botanist, but most experts believe that the city of Eilat in Israel is where Chrysocolla was first discovered.
In fact, according to legend, it was discovered in a mine owned by the Biblical King Solomon, and because of this, it later became their national stone. The famous Greek physician Hippocrates also wrote about the healing powers of Chrysocolla in medical treatment, which continued to be followed well into the Middle Ages.
Many Ancient royals such as the Roman Emperor Nero and Egyptian Queen Cleopatra were known to be lovers and wearers of it, and Native Americans believed that it could provide physical and emotional resilience.
Since the Middle Ages, the stone’s unique beauty has inspired many artists, from Renaissance painters to modern-day jewelry designers, and they are now considered to be opulent, semi-precious stones.
Meaning Of Chrysocolla
Around the world, Chrysocolla is also known as the Goddess stone and the stone of wise women, as well as the Teacher stone. This is because it is associated with deep feminine energy and the pursuit of knowledge. Although it is a powerful stone, it is not as energetically loud as some other stones – Chrysocolla is all about gentleness, peace, and harmony.
It is also associated with the element of water, which represents intuition and sensitivity, as well as the throat chakra, which is responsible for our sense of identity, truth, expression, and creativity, and the heart chakra, which governs our love for ourselves and others.
Chrysocolla Benefits & Healing Properties
Let’s take a look at the benefits and healing properties of Chrysocolla.
Spiritual Healing
Spiritually, Chrysocolla can help you to get in touch with your divine feminine energy; which is associated with your intuition and sensitivity, as well as your psychic powers and healing abilities.
Using Chrysocolla can help you to deepen your connection to the divine, develop your inner wisdom, and increase your manifestation abilities, as well as your abilities to read and reach others. It can also help to instill a sense of inner peace and tranquility in your soul.
Throat Chakra
Chrysocolla is a great healing stone for the throat chakra. Rebalancing this chakra aligns you with who you are and allows you to express yourself clearly, honestly, confidently, and creatively. In the body, it supports the health of the throat, and its surrounding areas, like the mouth, respiratory system, and thyroid glands.
It can be thrown off balance by emotional traumas like bullying and abuse, as well as unhealthy habits like smoking. Blockages in this chakra can cause a crisis in identity, creative blocks, and social anxiety or problems with communication. Physical symptoms can include thyroid problems, acid reflux, and mouth ulcers.
Heart Chakra
Chrysocollas are also great healing crystals for the heart. Rebalancing this chakra allows you to be compassionate and forgiving, as well as nurturing and healing towards yourself and others. In the body, this chakra supports the heart, lungs, chest, and surrounding areas.
It can be blocked by heartbreak or betrayal, causing a lack of self-love and empathy, loneliness, or an inability to move on from the past. Other symptoms can include a lowered immune system and heart palpitations.
Physical Healing
In the physical body, Chrysocolla helps to lower blood pressure and is known to aid with a number of female-centric health problems, such as irregular periods and period pain, PMS, and supports healthy pregnancy and birth. It can also help to regulate blood sugar, aid digestion, strengthen the muscles, keep the lungs healthy, and help you to recover from infections and fevers faster.
Mental & Emotional Healing
Chrysocolla is one of the best healing stones for anxiety, lingering depression, and feelings of weighty guilt. It is also known to increase our desire for knowledge, help us erase those negative emotions and limiting beliefs that hold us back, and raise our self-awareness.
This stone encourages true love and good relationships of all kinds by inspiring honesty, loyalty, and unconditional love. It can also help you to attract the right people into your life and better communicate with the world.
In terms of your career, wealth, and bigger life goals, you can use Chrysocolla to strengthen your focus and achieve your dreams faster. It quietens the irrelevant noise in your mind and is especially great for those looking to achieve success in a creative field or in the field of health and wellness. Even if you’re not interested in those areas – it can help you to come up with new ideas and forge a harmonious working environment with good working relationships.
In The Home
The Chrysocolla’s healing energy makes it a great stone to have around the home. Full of gentle Feng Shui energy, it cools down the atmosphere and encourages honesty and better communication, which is great for homes with a lot of tension or friction. It also inspires focus and creativity in home office spaces.
How To Use Chrysocolla
Here are some of the ways in which you can use this crystal to utilize its metaphysical properties.
Meditate With It
Meditating whilst holding your Chrysocolla is the best way to connect with it. If you’re using it for chakra healing, it will help to lie down whilst you meditate and place the crystal at the base of your neck or over your chest. It may also help to visualize your throat chakra as a bright blue light and your heart as a bright green light.
Chrysocolla Jewelry
Keeping your body in close contact with the stone is ideal for deep chakra healing. The easiest way to do this is by wearing Chrysocolla jewelry; of course, necklace would be best to keep it close to your throat and chest.
Keep It In Your Pocket
If you aren’t the sort of person who likes to wear jewelry or you don’t fancy wearing the Chrysocolla stone, you can also carry it around with you in your pocket or purse.
Place It Somewhere Important
Keeping your Chrystcolla somewhere central or important in your home, bedroom, or workplace will help bring peace to the environment.
Cleansing & Charging Chrysocolla
Chrysocolla needs to be cleansed and charged once a month when you use it regularly to keep it working at its best.
Cleansing your crystals gets rid of any negative energy they’ve absorbed from you, your home, or any healing work you’ve been doing. The most common ways to cleanse crystals is to leave them out in the light of the full moon, smudge them with a sage stick, or place them next to a cleansing crystal such as selenite or carnelian.
Charging your crystals re-fills them with positive energy for healing. You can do this by placing them in the sunlight and burying them in the Earth for 24 hours.
Is Chrysocolla A Water-Safe Crystal?
Water can be a great tool for crystal healing, but not every crystal can be used with water – and that includes Chrysocolla.
Whether or not a crystal is safe to put in the water depends on how highly they score on the Mohs Hardness scale. This is a scientific scale that ranks the hardness of a mineral out of 10, with 1 being the softest, and 10 being the hardest. Chrysocolla scores between 2-4 on the scale, making it a pretty soft stone. This means that you shouldn’t use it with water – as it could damage or dissolve the stone.
Who Should Use Chrysocolla Stones?
Everybody can benefit from the healing powers of Chrysocolla, but we highly recommend it for anyone who is looking to rebalance their throat and heart chakras, we well as anyone suffering from depression, anxiety, or stress.
It is also a great stone for women who want to find and embrace their personal power, and anyone who wants to improve their communication skills, find inner peace or chase their dreams. In addition, the stone’s energies are said to complement the energies of Geminis, Virgos, and Taurus – so if you’re one of these signs, it could be a great choice for you.
Are There Any Negative Effects Of Using Chrysocolla?
Negative side effects when Chrysocolla is very rare, but it can happen when something in your energies just doesn’t align. Or, it can happen when the crystal you bought has absorbed too much bad energy from its previous environment.
If a crystal isn’t right for you, it can cause sleep disturbances, headaches, and nausea, as well as hot flushes, cold flushes, and energy tingles. It can also cause stomach upsets and random pains throughout the body.
Should this happen to you, try cleansing and charging your piece of Chrysocolla as discussed in the section above, and if that doesn’t work, stop using it and try a different stone. All of that being said, generally, if you feel drawn to a crystal, it shouldn’t affect you in a negative way.
Is Chrysocolla Toxic?
Chrysocolla dust is quite toxic if exposed to the skin or breathed in. However, a polished piece of Chrysocolla or a piece of jewelry containing the stone poses no threat, so long as it is well looked after.
Where Can I Buy A Piece Of Chrysocolla?
If you’re looking to buy a piece of Chrysocolla or some jewelry containing the stone, we recommend sticking to popular and reputable websites. It is a very opulent stone, so naturally, there are a lot of fakes floating around online that are just dyed pieces of plastic and glass. So, be sure to stick to websites that you trust and look for good ratings and reviews from independent sellers.
How To Tell If Chrysocolla Is Real Or Fake?
There are a few easy ways to tell if your Chrysocolla is real. The first way to tell is by looking; is it too smooth and symmetrical looking, or are there air bubbles in the stone? If so, it is probably fake.
The second way to tell if it’s real or fake is by scratching the surface of it with a coin. As mentioned above, Chrysocolla is a pretty soft stone, and will definitely be softer than glass, plastic, or any other kind of replica material, so if you can scratch it with the edge of a coin – it’s likely real.
Which Crystals Work Well With Chrysocolla?
If you are seeking stones that work in perfect harmony with Chrysocolla, or even stones to use as an alternative to Chrysocolla, consider some other blue and green stones that vibrate similar sensitive energy, such as Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, or Opal. You could also try complementary Hematite, Lapis Lazuli, Amazon for feminine energy, or one of the many quartz crystals and gems that share characteristics of Chrysocolla, such as Rose Quartz for the heart chakra.
In Conclusion – Is Chrysocolla Right For Me?
Chrysocolla is a stunning and powerful healing stone with an opulent history and lots of great benefits when used in the right way. Only you can decide whether or not a crystal is right for you, but we highly recommend this crystal to anybody who is looking to harness their feminine power or stimulate their throat and heart chakras, as well as find inner peace and focus on their soul mission.