22 Jul Blue Topaz – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties
Blue Topaz is a beautiful blue crystal that has lots of benefits and healing properties. Let’s take a closer look at the stone and its meaning and uses so you can decide whether or not it’s a good fit for your collection.
In This Article
- What Is Blue Topaz?
- Meaning Of Blue Topaz
- Blue Topaz & The Throat Chakra
- Benefits of Using Blue Topaz
- Is Blue Topaz Water Safe?
- How To Use Blue Topaz
- How To cleanse & Charge Blue Topaz Stones
- Who Should Use Blue Topaz Stones?
- Are There Any Negative Effects Of Using Blue Topaz?
- Where Can I Buy A Blue Topaz Stone?
- How To Tell If Blue Topaz Is Real?
- The Bottom Line: Is Blue Topaz Right For Me?
What Is Blue Topaz?
Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminum and fluorine that can be found across the world including in Brazil, United States, Madagascar, Myanmar, Namibia, Zimbabwe Mexico, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Russia, and China. The word Topaz comes from the Greek word topazion, which comes from the ancient Sanskrit word for fire.
Blue Topaz is a beautiful blue-colored type of Topaz that can vary from pale sky blue to bright icy blue shades to a truly deep blue color. There are a few different types of Blue Topaz; such as the Swiss Blue Topaz which is medium in shade, and London Blue Topaz which is the deepest shade of the stone.
Blue Topaz is primarily found in Brazil but a few natural deposits have also been found in Texas, USA. Natural blue topaz is quite rare, but it can be made blue through irradiation. It was first discovered by the Ancient Romans on the Island of Topazios and they used it as a stone of peace, healing, protection, and reconciliation.
The gem was also worshipped in Ancient Egypt, where it was said to hold the powers of the sun god Ra, and some South American tribes believed it to be a dispeller of sickness. Nowadays, it is a popular precious stone and it is the state gemstone of Texas.
Meaning Of Blue Topaz
Blue Topaz is associated with the throat chakra, as well as peace and healing. It is also the birthstone for the month of November and it is associated with the Sagittarius zodiac sign, the element of water, and the planet Jupiter.
The Throat Chakra
Blue Topaz is a healing crystal for the throat chakra, which is the fifth chakra in the body. Otherwise known as the Vishudda, the throat chakra comes between the third eye and the heart chakra and it is responsible for our sense of identity, truth, self-expression, communication, and creativity.
Rebalancing and stimulating this chakra with Blue Topaz will align you with who you are and allow you to be yourself with confidence. It will also help you to express yourself clearly and honestly with others and boost your creative energy. In the body, the throat chakra supports the health of the throat, neck, and surrounding areas like the mouth, vocal cords, respiratory system, and thyroid glands.
It is most often thrown off balance by emotional trauma in which your voice has been silenced, such as school bullying or being in an abusive relationship. Bad habits like smoking and drinking too much alcohol can also contribute to blockages in the throat chakra. This can cause a crisis in identity, creative block, social anxiety, and dishonesty, as well as problems with communication, while physical symptoms can include thyroid issues and problems with the mouth and throat like acid reflux and mouth ulcers.
Benefits of Using Blue Topaz
Let’s take a look at how using Blue Topaz helps different areas of our lives.
As well as healing the physical symptoms of a blocked throat chakra, the blue topaz soothes, heals, stimulates, and rebalances the meridians of the body – directing energy to where it is needed most.
It is also great for shifting the pressure of migraines, soothing sore throats, and relieving bruxism and jaw clenching.
Blue Topaz is also great for rebalancing emotions and redirecting the energy of negative thoughts to ones that make you feel better, putting you in better control of your mind and promoting a good mental state.
It is also known for helping people to overcome their fear of public speaking and improving elocution and communication for confidence in social situations.
Spiritually, Blue Topaz can protect against negative energies and improve communication with the spiritual world, opening us up to receiving inner guidance and messages from our spirit guides and other entities. It can also help to instill a sense of inner peace in your soul.
This stone can help to support personal relationships by inspiring honesty, loyalty, and harmoniousness. It can also help you to attract other genuine souls and improve your communication with the people around you.
Blue Topaz is associated with good luck and abundance, as well as creative thinking. It’s sometimes called the writer’s stone, so if you’re looking to achieve success within a creative career – it would be a great stone for you. Even if you don’t work in such a field, it can still help you to achieve success by inspiring new ideas, giving you confidence in your ideas, and promoting a peaceful work environment.
At Home
The Blue Topaz’s ability to protect against negative energy makes it a great stone to have around the home. It can be used to foster an honest, peaceful environment, which is great for families who fight or disagree a lot.
Is Blue Topaz Water Safe?
Water is a great tool for crystal healing; it’s one of the four spiritual elements and it’s easy to access for most of us. It’s also great for cleansing our crystals, but not every crystal can be used with water.
Whether or not a crystal is safe to put in the water depends on how highly they score on the Mohs Hardness scale. This is a scientific scale that ranks the hardness of a mineral out of 10 by testing its resistance against other minerals.
Any crystal that scores above a 5 on the scale is generally water safe, and Blue Topaz scores an 8, so it is completely safe for use with water. In fact, it can even enhance your practices because it is a water stone.
How To Use Blue Topaz
There are several ways in which you can use this crystal to utilize its metaphysical properties.
Using your Blue Topaz during meditation is the best way to connect with it and utilize its healing powers. You can hold it or keep it close by while you meditate, but if you’re using it for throat chakra activation, you may find placing it at the base of your neck will help. It can also help to chant healing affirmations or visualize your throat chakra as a bright blue light and imagine it coming into alignment while you meditate.
Wear It
Keeping your body in close contact with the stone is ideal for deep chakra healing. The easiest way to do this is by wearing Blue Topaz jewelry, which is easy to find, as they are beautiful and popular accessories. Of course, a necklace would be best for this gem to keep it close to your throat chakra, but any type of jewelry will work.
Carry It Around With You
If you aren’t the sort of person who likes to wear jewelry, you can also carry it around with you in your pocket or purse to feel the stone’s healing properties.
Keep It Close To You
Keeping your Blue Topaz somewhere central or important in your home, such as in your bedroom or living room, will allow its calming, protective qualities to work on your home and keep your space free from negative energy and general chaos.
Sleep Next To It
When we sleep, our subconscious minds are at their most open and receptive to outside influences, so sleeping next to your Blue Topaz will allow your deeper self to really connect with it – this is especially beneficial after meditation or repeating affirmations.
Take A Crystal Bath
Another great way to use your Blue Topaz crystal is by taking a crystal bath with it. Crystal baths allow us to soak up our crystals’ healing properties through our skin. You can take a crystal bath by running one like usual and putting your Blue Topaz in the bottom of the tub. Alternatively, you can leave it to soak in a bowl of water overnight, and wash your face or neck area with it the next day.
Drink Some Crystal Water
Drinking crystal-infused water is the best way to absorb its healing properties directly into your body. To infuse your Blue Topaz with some water, simply put it in a glass of water and leave it somewhere safe and clean overnight, then drink it the next day. Alternatively, you could make tea with it or mix it in with some other drink.
Spray It Around Your Home
If you don’t want to drink or bathe in Blue Topaz crystal water, you could always spray it around your home to improve the atmosphere, or even water your plants with it.
How To cleanse & Charge Blue Topaz Stones
If you are at all familiar with crystal healing, you probably know that you need to cleanse and charge your crystals around once a month to keep them working at their best, but every crystal is different and can benefit from different methods of cleansing and charging. Let’s take a look at the best ways to cleanse and charge Blue Topaz gemstones.
Cleansing your crystals gets rid of any bad energy they’ve absorbed from their surroundings. The most common way to cleanse crystals is to leave them out under the light of the full moon. However, as Blue Topaz is a water stone, you can enhance this practice by adding water. Submerge your crystal in a bowl of water before putting it under the moonlight, and if you want to, you can also use the water the next day to drink, bathe, or spray it around your home.
If you don’t want to wait for a full moon, you can also run it under the tap for a few minutes for a quick cleanse, smudge it with a sage stick, or place it next to a cleansing crystal such as selenite or carnelian.
Charging your crystals re-fills them with positive energy for healing and other rituals. The most common way that people charge their crystals is by placing them in direct sunlight, but Blue Topaz is not well-suited to sun exposure as it can cause the color to fade. So, we recommend burying them in the Earth for 24 hours instead, and for a water-based supercharge, do it on a rainy day.
Who Should Use Blue Topaz Stones?
Anybody can benefit from the healing energies of Blue Topaz, and we highly recommend it for anyone who is looking to heal, rebalance, or activate their throat chakra. However, it is an especially great stone for artists and anybody who needs to improve their communication skills or their confidence with others, as well as people who need a boost of creative inspiration.
It’s also an excellent stone for those who suffer from social anxiety, stage fright, or public speaking, and anybody who has a lot of Sagittarius in their astrological birth chart.
Are There Any Negative Effects Of Using Blue Topaz?
Negative side effects to using Blue Topaz are very rare, but when they do occur, they can include loss in business and relationships, getting into debt, fever, problems with children, and issues with reputation.
When this happens, it is typically because something in your energy just doesn’t align with the crystal you’re using or it has absorbed too much bad energy from its previous home. Should this happen to you, try cleansing it or just stop using it and try a different throat chakra stone altogether. That said, generally, if you feel drawn to a crystal, it shouldn’t affect you negatively.
Where Can I Buy A Blue Topaz Stone?
If you’re looking to buy a piece of Blue Topaz, we recommend sticking to popular and reputable websites. A lot of online sellers sell fake dyed quartz stones as Blue Topaz stones, well as resin, glass, and even plastic replicas, so be sure to stick to safe, trustworthy websites with good ratings and customer reviews.
How To Tell If Blue Topaz Is Real?
There are a few easy ways to tell a real Topaz stone apart from quartz or another replica. The first thing to keep in mind is the hardness; a real topaz will be able to scratch glass, while quartz will not leave. It should also be cool to touch and get electrified easily.
Blue Topaz is a beautiful stone with a rich history and lots of great healing properties. Only you can decide if a crystal is right for you, but we highly recommend it to anybody who is looking to stimulate their throat chakra, find themselves, and gain some confidence in their creative expression.