04 Jul Blue Aura And Its Meaning
Blue auras are one of the most popular and interesting auras around. Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about having a blue-colored aura.
Why Is My Aura Blue?
Our auras outwardly reflect our true inner energy from our chakra system. Each chakra has a different purpose and is represented by a different color – and the color blue represents the throat chakra.
Blue Aura Meaning
Let’s take a closer look at what a blue aura can mean for the different areas of our lives.
Blue Aura & The Throat Chakra
As mentioned above, blue is the color of the throat chakra, also known as the fifth charka, which represents communication, truth, creativity, identity, and self-expression. If your fifth chakra is fully aligned and strong, your aura may be or contain a vibrant blue color.
Blue Aura & Health
Blue energy is very focused on self-expression, spirituality, and emotional health, so physical health can take a backseat in people with blue chakras. Weight issues are sometimes associated with blue auras, so care must be taken to balance the care of the body with the mind and the soul.
That said, the health of the throat, mouth, voice, respiratory system, and thyroid glands should be strong in people with blue auras.
Blue Aura & Personality
If there’s blue in your aura, it suggests a bold, outspoken personality. These people are not shy about telling you what they think, they can be extroverted and are usually very creative. They also enjoy art, music, reading, writing, and debate.
Blue Aura & Mood
Depending on the shade of blue in your aura, it can mean that you’re feeling calm and peaceful or bold and fearless.
Blue Aura & Spirituality
Blue energy is very intuitive. When they commit to spiritual healing and growth, people with blue auras can make incredible psychics, particularly in relation to clairvoyant abilities, as they are more open to communication than any other colored energy.
Blue Aura & Relationships
Blue aura people are great people to be in a relationship with; whether it be romantically or platonically, because they are excellent communicators and they value honesty and loyalty above all else.
They also need honest and transparent friends and partners – they don’t do well with immature people who are out to deceive them and play games.
Blue Aura & Success
As well as having great communication skills, blue-colored energy is incredibly cool, calm, confident, and creative, so blue aura people are often drawn to careers that involve creating or interacting with others in some way; such as teaching, singing, performing arts, and public speaking.
Variations of the Blue Aura
Let’s take a look at some of the different shades of blue auras and what they mean.
Sky blue Aura
A light blue aura, also known as pastel, baby blue, or sky blue aura reveals an easy-going personality or a relaxed, peaceful frame of mind.
Turquoise aura
A turquoise or aqua-blue aura is a mix of blue and green energy; which means that your throat and heart chakras are working in perfect harmony. The heart is responsible for love and compassion, so people with turquoise auras tend to be excellent peacemakers and healers.
Blue Indigo Aura
People with blue indigo auras are very sensitive and empathic people. They are known to absorb the thoughts and feelings of others easily, which can be a beautiful gift – but it also requires a lot of self-care to make sure they don’t get drained or overwhelmed.
True Blue Aura
A true blue aura, otherwise known as a bright, electric, cobalt, or royal blue aura means that your throat chakra is well-aligned and open.
Dark Blue Aura
A navy or muddy blue aura can mean a blocked fifth chakra; if your aura is a deep, dark blue, you may be having a crisis of identity and lack of confidence, or struggling with some kind of betrayal, mistrust, or even emotional abuse.
Blue In Different Parts Of The Aura
Whilst most auras are dominated by one color, some display different colors in different parts of it. If the part of the aura above your head is blue, it means that you are currently working on building your confidence and finding your identity and voice.
Blue on your left side suggests you are cultivating new creative ideas and starting to chase things that make you feel good in life, whilst blue on the right-hand side of your aura indicates that you are already in the midst of a creative outburst and that you’re very outspoken – others may even be a little intimidated by you!
Blue Aura Compatibility
Every aura color has certain colors that they are more compatible with in terms of friendships and romantic relationships, and people with blue auras are most compatible with those who have pink, green, and yellow auras.
Pink and green energies are very open and nurturing, which is very compatible with honest blue energy, whilst balancing out some of their bolder qualities. People with yellow auras have a well-balanced solar plexus, which deals with purpose, optimism, and joy, and does not drain or cause friction with blue aura people.
Challenges With Blue Auras
Although blue aura people have some truly fabulous qualities, their energy is quite masculine and can lead to over-assertiveness, which will eventually need calming down and reigning in. Their intense creativity can also cause perfectionism, which can lead to burnout.
So, it’s a good idea for people with blue auras to engage with their feminine side and practice relaxation to find and maintain a good emotional balance.
How To Interact With Blue Aura People
The blue aura personality is generally a vibrant, friendly one, but they can overwhelm quieter people. Whilst blue energy itself can be very serene, it is also bold and unafraid to disagree with others, so the key to getting along with blue aura people is to be straightforward, honest, polite, and calm.
How To Get A Blue Aura
Blue is an exciting color, so if you want to get more blue in your aura, you need to try and rebalance your throat chakra – and there are a few ways in which you can do that.
Issues with this chakra often stem from emotional trauma, including mistreatment from others, but can also be influenced by your diet and physical health. A blocked or unbalanced throat chakra can lead to low-self esteem, social anxiety, a crisis in identity, creative block, and problems with communication.
Physically, it can also cause thyroid problems, issues with the vocal cords, acid reflux, and mouth ulcers. You can heal it in a number of ways, including yoga, reiki, meditation, and using healing crystals such as aquamarine, amazonite, and blue chalcedony. Socializing and artistic activities are also great for the throat chakra.
How To Cleanse A Blue Aura
Blue auras can soak up negative energy and leave you feeling emotionally drained and physically fatigued. Keep it clear by meditating regularly, and if you feel like you need to cleanse your aura, look into some aura cleansing rituals, such as cleansing baths and aura combing.
Blue energy is bold, truthful, and creative. If you have a blue aura, you have a strong, healthy throat chakra. To keep it balanced, remember to embrace your feminine side from time to time and cleanse your aura whenever you feel like it’s necessary.