04 Feb Black Crystals – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties
Black crystals are mysterious and alluring. In modern society, the perceived properties of the color black include evil, death, and the supernatural. Black ink was used for knowledge and education in the Middle Ages. However, did you know that black crystals heal us in many different ways and can even help raise your vibrations so you can reach your full potential?
Learn the meaning of black crystals and the many benefits these power crystals can contribute to your life.
Black Crystals: Meaning & Importance
The color black has always been prominent in history. The ancient Egyptians associated it with fertility because they perceived the rich soil along the Nile River to be black. Goddess Kali, the goddess of change and time, was portrayed as having black or blue skin — two colors potent to water energy. With that being said, black is actually a positive color.
Black crystals stand for the shadow side of things to give everything balance. They symbolize the night to the day, the darkness to light, the yin to the yang. We seek respite in the shadows, which is why black crystals provide us with respite and protection.
Black crystals have a deep association with our root chakra — not only do they strengthen it, but they can also absorb negative emotions and toxins and can act as an amulet for protection. They have strong water energy that brings you calm during stressful situations.
Furthermore, black crystals are also associated with mystery, potential, and possibility. They awaken our minds to the magic and promise of possibility yet to be unearthed, contributing to our mental fortitude.
Benefits of Using Black Crystals
Physical Healing
Black gemstones are highly effective in detoxifying the human body, especially the liver and kidneys. They can digest anything that can be harmful to your life. Black stones encourage faster healing of damaged cells and encourage better blood circulation. They also bring warmth to those whose hands and feet are perpetually cold.
Chakra Healing
The root chakra is the first chakra, which is the basis for our foundation. It makes us feel secure and heavily influences how we present ourselves to others. Black gemstones give us the physical strength to reach our hopes and dreams and can go as far as to shine a light on all our other chakras. Those whose root chakras are closed tend to feel weak, unstable, and fearful.
Love & Relationships
Black crystals provide protection in relationships (where many of us find ourselves the most vulnerable). They allow us to trust and feel secure while assuring us that they have our backs. They are also powerful amplifiers of the truth and help us acknowledge where things might not be going right. They contribute to positive attitudes in harmonious relationships, including self-control, resilience, and strength of spirit.
Wealth & Prosperity
Having protection is immensely important when it comes to money matters! Black crystals contribute to self-preservation and make you feel safe from malice and harm in your physical existence in the world. They also back you up with power and confidence — key things you need to build your wealth. Black crystals are all about strengthening the trust you have for yourself and raising your self-esteem so you can make financial decisions that benefit your life.
Spiritual Energy
Keeping a black crystal by your side is one of the best ways to ensure that your spirituality is cleansed of toxicity and negativity. They keep you out of harm’s way and keep you safe in your environment. Without toxic and negative energies, expect an abundance of physical and emotional courage that will translate into the dark room of the spirit world.
10 Black Crystals For Everyday Use
1. Black Cat’s Eye Scapolite
The black cat’s eye scapolite looks just like a cat’s eye. This is a rare black stone that you’ll be proud to show off in your collection. Not only that, these gemstones are great for concentration and can even contribute to “shortening” the path towards success and good luck. It will release your dormant creativity and talent to full bloom and act as a weapon for you to bring your destiny into fruition. The black scapolite is also strong enough to thwart your bad habits.
2. Black Diamond
The precious black diamond is known for its rare energy and mystic powers. This excellent stone grants you the power to forge your path to shape your future and destiny. The unbreakable spirit laced with the dark diamond crystal is representative of the hardness of the diamond mineral itself.
3. Black Garnet
The dark black garnet stone brims with passion, zest, and soul-awakening power. This black crystal is an excellent root chakra healer and calls your innate kundalini energy into power. It taps into your long-dormant creativity while still grounding you, so you don’t get carried away. This dark crystal can also bring purity to negative feelings to avoid making mistakes and look at things with a more neutral stance.
4. Black Jade
Although jades are traditionally light green crystals, jade in color black is also a highly popular choice. Black jade has powerful protective abilities to shield you from negative feelings like anger, aggression, and bitterness. Furthermore, this black stone inspires you to live an active and happy life. This dark crystal will give you the courage to speak up with utmost love and respect, especially when dealing with people who have dominating personalities.
5. Black Jasper
Black jasper, also known as Blackstone, is highly useful in alleviating physical pain such as stomach ailments and foot pains. More so, they protect you from danger, bad spells, and harmful energies and will keep you physically and emotionally strong.
6. Black Jet
The black jet, also known as black amber, is made from wood and used as a mourning stone during ancient times. Nowadays, the dark black jet crystal is a powerful protective stone that shields you from enemies and evil forces. It will guide you physically, emotionally, and spiritually so you can reach your goals.
7. Black Onyx
The black onyx is a source of stability that you can lean on whenever you feel anxious or stressed. It even goes as far as to heal old wounds and helps you process difficult experiences in life. It is amazing at preventing you from getting overwhelmed as you go through and deal with your healing journey. The black onyx is an excellent protective crystal that will keep you steady, safe, and well-protected.
8. Black Pearl
Natural black pearls are extremely rare, so consider yourself lucky if you have one in your possession! Pearls in the color black carry infinite wisdom and symbolize hope for wounded hearts. They are also known for their potent healing properties, which can protect the wearer from many different negative energies.
9. Black Rutile Quartz
The black rutile quartz is durable yet affordable and will look gorgeous in your crystal collection. It is a source of courage, wisdom, and intuition and can be a powerful sidekick as you overcome life’s challenges. It also bestows high vibration to attract more success and achieve greater victories.
10. Black Sapphire
Although not as rare and valuable as the blue ones, the black sapphire is not to be underestimated! These black stones grant you immense wisdom that translates to confident intuition. It is a powerful grounding stone of positive energy forces surrounding the body. Furthermore, they bring clarity and self-mastery and can be used to attract good fortune and spiritual insight.
7 Healing Black Crystals
1. Shungite
Many believe that the shungite is one of the earth’s oldest stones — its ancient origins say it is over a billion years old and present even before organic life. This crystal, made up of mostly carbon, is strong enough to purify water, so imagine what it could do to detoxify the body! It emits high frequencies that go deep as it performs energy and chakra cleansing.
2. Arfvedsonite
The rare black arfvedsonite keeps you connected, or enhances your connection, to the natural world of spirituality. It expands your consciousness through the third eye chakra and can even go as far as to develop your psychic abilities so that you can see into the future. This crystal also reminds us to look into the future with hope and excitement.
3. Indigo Gabbro
The indigo gabbro, nicknamed “the wise soul,” connects you with your higher self. This black gem made from molten magma expands your knowledge and provides you with meaningful insight so that you can dig through deep-seated issues within. The indigo gabbro will help heal the darkness present in every one of us and encourage you to act with a more enlightened purpose.
4. Nuummite
The nuummite allows one to delve deep within the psyche to discover hidden truths, fears, guilt, and shame because these emotions can hold one back. It cleanses trapped energies and past trauma to reach the core self and allows one to recognize and embrace their true abilities and power fully.
5. Hypersthene
The black stone hypersthene can help one develop their psychic abilities and clairvoyance. It contains an abundance of metaphysical powers that can strengthen your gut feeling and intuition. If you seek answers to the concerns bogging you down, the hypersthene will open your eyes to the solution, especially if you keep it by your side or use it during meditation.
6. Ilvaite
The ilvaite is for those who find themselves craving a boost of creativity and imagination. When the going gets tough, the ilvaite can help those with problems with patience and perseverance. This black crystal also raises the vibrations within your crown chakra, so you stay emotionally stable.
7. Black Kyanite
The black kyanite comes with deep grounding energy and works as a forcefield of protection against harmful vibrations — hence, why it’s so popular among shamans. It also forms a protective barrier around the aura, so they don’t get soaked back up when negative energies are released. It also keeps one grounded during energy cleansing work and can be great for meditation.
How To Use Them
Black stones will grant you low vibrations, high healing, and powerful protection, especially if you wear them against your skin. Wearing black gems in jewelry is one of the best ways to bring their metaphysical and spiritual properties into the natural world. Having the healing crystals in direct contact with the body will align your frequencies so they can get to work on releasing negative energy and keeping you protected against harmful rays.
Another way to bring the energy of the black gemstones into your life is to welcome them into your home. Keeping a black crystal point, geode, or dark quartz at the front door of your home will ward off all negative energy that threatens to invade your peaceful, positive sanctuary.
Furthermore, you can also seek help from black stones in meditation, reiki practice, crystal grids, or keep them inside your pocket or purse for everyday protection.
Other Crystals to Combine With Black Gemstones
Because black stones are a source of great protection, they do wonders when combined with heart or crown chakra stones. The rose quartz, one of the most prominent heart chakra stones, can leave us feeling vulnerable due to overwhelming feelings of love. Black crystals balance these strong emotions out to feel safe as we express our most vulnerable selves.
On the other hand, the purple amethyst, a crystal strongly associated with the crown chakra, invites us to higher plains and opens up our psychic gifts. Black crystals provide us the protection we need as we trudge on this path towards enlightenment.
When combined with white-hued crystals, crystals in black color are a great source of balanced yin-and-yang energy. Selenite, moonstone, opal, fluorite, and clear quartz are some of your best crystal options for light, elevated energy.
Who can wear black crystals?
People concerned about their safety and security are recommended to wear black crystals. Many people use crystals in black color as protective amulets that will relieve you of your fears of physical harm and danger.
What is a black crystal for?
A black crystal is mainly used for protection, especially in matters concerning our heart and crown chakra. They are used as a grounding stone during crystal healing and are a strong purifier of negative feelings and energies. It opens the mind to the expanse o
Black crystals are rife with protective energy and can help you move out from a place of fear. They are brimming with mystery and elegance and can be your key to cracking open a door full of immense possibilities. They are deeply associated with the root chakra and stabilize your foundation, so you are not plagued with worry, fear, and uncertainty.
Check out the black crystal meaning to know whether or not it’s the right gemstone for you. Black crystals are a must for any crystal collector’s collection.
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