01 Jul Black Aura And Its Meaning
Black Aura is the electromagnetic energy field that reflect our innermost selves. They come in all different colors, ranging from deep red to sunny yellow to bright white. Each color represents a different chakra that dominates our energy and indicates a set of vibrant personality traits – so what does a black aura mean, and is it bad? Let’s take a look.
Black Aura Meaning
The black aura is not a positive one and it is not natural in the average person; however, it is fixable. First, let’s take a look at exactly what it means.
Black Aura & The Physical Body
A black aura can signify physical exhaustion within the body.
Black Aura & Chakras
A dark aura is also a sign of a deeply misaligned and blocked chakra system.
Black Aura & Emotional State
In the vast majority of people, black aura colors tend to be associated with emotional distress, depression, and negative feelings. If you have a black aura, you may be feeling bad about yourself or hopeless about your life.
Black Aura & Personality
Black auras are not usually associated with personality traits, as they are most often caused by temporary emotional distress. However, in some people, it can be a sign of a personality disorder, such as antisocial personality disorder, in which the individual affected lacks emotion.
Black Aura & Spirituality
Spiritually, having a black aura can also attract negative energies and spirits into your life. To combat this, you should focus on deep spiritual healing and look into energy cleansing rituals if you feel like something has already entered your space.
Black Aura & Bad Luck
We live in a like-attracts-like universe, so it’s important to heal from whatever is causing your black aura. If your aura is black and you are feeling down about yourself or your life and you allow yourself to dwell on those feelings, you will continue to attract more negative situations in the future.
Do Not Give Up
Everybody experiences periods of darkness at some point in their life, and none of them last forever. You can change your aura color just as easily as you can change your mind, and if you take some time to heal and balance your energy, it will restore to its natural color and be much lighter and brighter – and you will feel much better.
Black In Different Parts Of The Aura
If only parts of your aura are black, you’re probably wondering what that means and how you can prevent it from spreading into the entire thing. There are seven layers to the aura; the causal, the celestial, the etheric, the astral, the mental, the emotional, and the physical, and different areas of our aura can signify different things.
The color that surrounds the majority of your body shows your dominant energy, but the space around your upper body can be a little different. The aura above your head represents your thoughts and feelings in the current moment, as well as your future aspirations, so if there is darkness surrounding your head only, it means that you are feeling pessimistic about your future. You need to work on your self-image and re-align with your goals to avoid becoming more down.
The left side of the aura is also said to show the future energy that you are currently attracting, so if there is black in the left side of your aura, you need to intervene before you get more depressed. Meanwhile, the right side of your aura shows the energy from the past that you are currently letting out, so if there is black on the right side of your aura, you are emitting some dark energy that is off-putting to other people and possibly attracting negative spirits.
Does A Black Aura Mean That You’re Evil?
No! Having a black aura does not make you a horrible person. Whilst a black aura can be the sign of an evil person, it is more often than not the sign of intense negative emotions or physical exhaustion. That said, if you meet somebody with a black aura who gives you strange vibes, you should avoid them.
How To Interact With A Black Aura Person?
If somebody you love has developed a black aura, you should talk to them and see if you can get to the bottom of what is getting them down. If you cannot help them yourself, seek out somebody who can.
How Can I Restore My Black Aura?
If you have a black aura and you want to restore your energy to something more positive, you first need to identify what is causing your intense negativity.
Physical Causes
If you are physically exhausted or in poor health, you should seek out the advice of a medical professional. However, it is often the case that our physical health reflects our spiritual and emotional health.
Emotional Causes
If you are experiencing emotional distress and don’t want to seek professional help, consider doing shadow work. Shadow work is a form of spiritual therapy that you can do yourself at home. In which, you keep a diary to observe and record the triggers of your distress and meditate over them to figure out the root causes and seek spiritual guidance on how to accept, change, or express these emotions in a healthy, productive, or artistic way.
It may help to prioritize the issues in your life and work on them one at a time, making a plan on how you can rectify each thing. Reciting positive affirmations will also help.
Spiritual Causes
You should also consider that both your physical health and your emotions are linked to your chakra system. Chakras are the spiritual energy center of the body, and healing them will also help to heal your body and mind.
Meditations that focus your life force energy on the chakras are the best way to do this. It may help to visualize the dark energies leaving you as you breathe out, and envision a white light or positive energies replacing them as you breathe in. You can also try chanting healing affirmations, listening to sound baths, or doing chakra-based yoga or reiki.
Healing crystals are the best spiritual tool to enhance these practices, although you can also use them on their own, too. In order to know which chakras to target, let’s take a look at how they can affect us when they’re out of balance – as well as some helpful healing stones that benefit each one.
The Root Chakra
The root chakra is responsible for our connection to nature and the physical world. It can become blocked by fear and trauma, making you feel dissociated, sluggish, anxious, and depressed. It can also cause eating disorders, nightmares, arthritis, and constipation. Root healing stones include red jasper and bloodstone.
The Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is responsible for our sexuality and can become blocked by trauma, repression, or obsession. This can cause low libido and a lack of creativity, as well as anemia, hypoglycemia, lower back and pelvic pain, and issues with the spleen, bladder, kidneys, and fertility. Healing stones for the sacral chakra include tiger’s eye and carnelian.
The Solar Plexus
The solar plexus is responsible for purpose, self-esteem, and happiness. It can become blocked by extreme self-doubt causing irresponsibility, pessimism, and feelings of helplessness. It can also cause digestion issues and loss of appetite. Healing crystals for this chakra include citrine and yellow topaz.
The Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is responsible for love, compassion, and forgiveness. It can get blocked by heartbreak and betrayal, causing shyness, loneliness, depression, and anxiety, and a lack of empathy and trust, as well as issues with the physical heart and the surrounding areas. Crystals that connect with the heart chakra include rose quartz and emerald.
The Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is responsible for our sense of identity, truth, expression, and creativity. Issues with this chakra often stem from emotional trauma, and can it lead to a crisis in identity, creative block, and problems with communication. It can also cause thyroid problems and issues with the throat and mouth. Crystals that help you to heal this chakra include turquoise and aquamarine.
The Third Eye Chakra
The third eye is responsible for our intuition and it becomes blocked when the ego is dominant over the id. This can block your natural insight and cause fear of the future, as well as difficulty concentrating and using your imagination. Third-eye crystals include amethyst, celestite, and moldavite.
The Crown Chakra
The crown is responsible for our connection to the spiritual world and it can become blocked when we ignore or deny our spiritual selves, causing closed-mindedness, confusion, and a lack of inspiration, as well as poor coordination, oversleeping, tension headaches, and fatigue. Crystals that connect well with this chakra include selenite and clear quartz.
How To Protect Your Aura From Returning To Black
To protect your energy in the future, self-care rituals are key.
Cleansing Rituals
Whenever you start to feel down or drained, perform an aura-cleansing ritual. Meditation, visualization, positive affirmations, and aura combing are the best and easiest ways to stop your aura from turning dark.
There are also cleansing baths, sage smudging, aromatherapy, and more. Whatever method you try, you can use cleansing crystals such as clear quartz, selenite, agate, and amethyst to enhance your practices.
Protection Crystals
Crystals that are known to protect your energy include black tourmaline, black obsidian, and black jade. Whilst cleansing crystals work best when you add them to a ritual, protection stones work best when you wear them or keep them close to you in your pocket or purse.
In Conclusion
Nobody wants a black aura – but don’t worry! There are several ways that you can fix it and prevent it from ever going back. We all experience periods of darkness in our lives, but so long as you are willing to commit to your own healing, you can restore your energy and your aura to something better and brighter.