02 Aug 14 Best Worry Stones & How to Use Them
Worry, stress, and anxiety affect us all at some point. Whether it’s work stress, worries about money, your personal life, health, or relationships, fearfulness about a big life change, or perhaps something more clinical – like social anxiety, worry stones can help.
Crystals have been used to alleviate stress and bring peace to lots of different cultures across the world dating back to Ancient Greece, and they remain a popular method of self-soothing today. Let’s take a look at exactly what worry stones are and how to use them to soothe those stresses away.
What is a Worry Stone?
Worry stones are tactile tools to help you practice mindfulness. They come in two varieties; small worry stones and larger worry stones. The smaller ones are smooth little stones that are cut into an oval shape with a thumb-shaped indentation so that it comfortably fits in your hand. The larger stones are made to fit into the palm of your hand and are often called palm stones.
They work by anchoring you in the present moment, absorbing your negative energy, and emitting a positive, calming vibration to release any tension in your body and relax your mind. The thumb indentation applies pressure to an acupuncture point in your thumb when you press on it to release any stress you have at the moment, but with regular use over time, they can instill a real sense of peace in your soul and help you to attract a more stress-free life.
How to Use a Worry Stone
So how exactly do you use a worry stone? Let’s take a look.
Hold It When You’re Feeling Anxious
The main way that you should use a worry stone is by holding it whilst taking deep breaths and pressing the indentation with your thumb whenever you’re feeling stressed or anxious. This could be on the way to a job interview, an important meeting, or during a difficult conversation you’ve been dreading.
Meditate With It
Another great way to use your worry stone is during meditation. By itself, meditation is one of the best ways to center yourself, relax your mind, and attract a new vibration, so amplify your that vibration by holding your worry stone during your meditation session.
On A Walk
Going for walks is a proven way lower your stress levels; research has shown that walking promotes the release of the brain chemicals endorphins, otherwise known as the happiness chemical, that stimulate relaxation and improve your mood, making it the perfect time to hold your worry stone and reset your mind.
Before going to bed
If you struggle to fall asleep because you feel like you can’t relax or you stay up all night worrying about the upcoming day, hold your worry stone to clear your mind before going to bed for a good night’s sleep. You can also keep it next to your bed when you’re done for a restful night free from disturbances and peaceful dreams.
When You Wake Up
Another great way to use it is by holding it when you wake up. Again, if you keep it next to your bed a night, you can grab hold of it in the morning to start your day with a stress-free mind.
14 Best Worry Stones
Here are our favorite stones to overcome worry and anxiety!
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz vibrates pure love energy; it is associated with the heart chakra, which is responsible for our ability to love ourselves and others. The pretty pale pink stone is one of the most popular healing crystals around. It makes a great worry stone because its loving vibrations nurture and soothe those bad thoughts away like a mother soothes their child. Because of its nature, it’s especially good for worries associated with other people and relationships.
Angelite is as angelic as it sounds – the baby blue stone relaxes the body as well as the mind, which is just what the doctor ordered if your worries are affecting your physical body; bodily manifestations of stress often include digestive issues, muscular tension around your body, jaw pain, and headaches.
Jade is a beautiful, deep green stone that vibrates serenity and purity, bringing down your stress levels with ease. It’s also known as a good luck stone, so it’s perfect for people who tend to worry about the outcome of uncertain situations, like exams, meeting new people, and proposing new ideas at work.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is another great worry stone. It has an overall clearing effect which helps to clear your aura and mind of any stressful energy, promotes relaxation, and resonates with the crown chakra to attract positive energy and spiritual insight, which is especially beneficial for people who are prone to feeling overwhelmed. It can also help to relieve and release chronic tension from the body from long-term stress and worry.
Amethyst is a popular crystal, known for its all-around spiritual and healing abilities, including soothing worry and stress. The vibrant purple stone is also known to prevent panic attacks and stimulate the third eye chakra, which can help you to meditate, manifest change, and increases focus and concentration, so you can shift your mindset to more productive things. This is especially good for people with deep-seated anxieties and those who suffer from intrusive worrisome thoughts.
Selenite is a powerful cleansing crystal that purifies the energy around it, including the aura of whoever is holding it. It will deeply cleanse your body, mind, and soul of stress and anxiety, and it is self-cleansing, too, so there’s no need to cleanse it yourself.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is a semi-precious blue gemstone that has been used for healing and spiritual purposes since Ancient Egyptian times. It reveals inner truth and inspires clarity in those who use it, as well as self-compassion, and self-awareness, helping you to see things more clearly and allowing you to be kinder to yourself in times of stress.
Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is pretty universally recognized as the best protection stone around. Not only does it absorb all of your worries and negative energy, but it also transforms it into positive energy, instantly uplifting your mood and easing your anxieties. In addition, it blocks more worries from entering your mind.
Black Obsidian
Black Obsidian is another great protective crystal. Not only does it draw out mental stress, physical pain, and sheild you from future negative thoughts, but it also detoxifies your energy field and prevents negative energies in the environment from reaching you, including EMFs from electronic devices, which can make things like anxiety worse.
The bright and pearly Moonstone crystal vibrates with a beautiful feminine and nurturing energy that encourages adaptation to change, soothes the soul, and resets the mind in times of uncertainty. This is especially good for people experiencing stress from sudden or big life changes like moving home.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate is a stone of alignment and tranquility. It works to rebalance emotions and instill a sense of inner peace in those who use it. This calming crystal is also associated with the throat chakra; which governs our sense of identity and communication, so it works to improve self-image and social skills – which is great for people who suffer from social anxiety, as well.
Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz is a root chakra stone; this is the chakra that connects us to the physical world around us. It is known for its anchoring and grounding properties; you can use it to bring you back to the present moment and get you out of your head when you feel consumed with worry.
It also helps you to release emotional baggage from the past and move on from the things that are holding you back, which is great for anxieties and fears that stem from previous experiences.
Rhodonite is a beautiful pink stone. Like the Rose Quartz, it’s also known as a love stone, as well as a “releaser”, because it releases negative emotions like stress, worry, anxiety, and fear – as well as the emotional wounds that can cause them – from your heart. It is especially good for people who have worries revolving around trust, abandonment, or betrayal from previous relationships.
As the name may suggest, Sunstone is brimming with positive sunshine energy. It resonates with the solar plexus chakra, which governs our sense of purpose, self-esteem, and joy, and it works to alleviate fear and stress, clear and energize all of the chakras, and bringing good luck and fortune to all those who use it. It also instills good nature, heightens intuition and vitality, and allows the real self to shine through – which is great for improving self-love and social anxiety.
Do You Have To Cleanse Your Worry Stones?
Most crystals need to be cleansed, and worry stones are no different. In fact, it’s especially important with these stones, as they’re being used specifically to soak up negative energies from stress and worry. So, to renew their energy and keep them working well, you should cleanse them at least once a month.
The most common way in which people cleanse their worry stones is by leaving them out in the light of the full moon, which you can do by placing them outside in the moonlight or simply putting them on your windowsill on the night of the full moon.
If you don’t want to wait until the next full moon, you can also smudge them with a sage bundle, run them under the tap if they’re water-safe, or sit them next to a cleansing crystal such as Selenite or Carnelian.
You should also re-charge them to fill them back up with positive energy, which you can do by leaving them out in the sunlight (so long as they’re sun safe), or burying them in the Earth for 24 hours.
Where Can I Buy A Worry Stone?
You can buy a worry stone at many online retailers and stores that sell crystals and other spiritual tools. However, we suggest sticking to popular websites and stores that you trust and sellers with high customer ratings and reviews to avoid fakes. You can tell a real crystal from a fake one by looking at the stone’s appearance; if it’s too symmetrical and uniform looking, it’s probably fake.
Worry Stone Alternatives
Spiritual alternatives to worry stones include wearing crystal jewelry, which is great for resolving deep-seated anxieties and mental health issues, and placing calming crystals in your home to keep the atmosphere peaceful.
You can also release anxiety and attract more peace into your life by repeating positive affirmations and mantras, or envisioning a peaceful white light around you whenever you feel stressed.
Other things to try include listening to relaxing sound baths and practicing yoga and reiki, as well as aromatherapy, diffusing relaxing essential oils like lavender around your home or taking a bath with them, and burning purifying herbs like sage and thyme to cleanse your energy.
You can also put purifying herbs in your bath to cleanse your aura of stressful vibes, take a crystal bath, drink some crystal-infused water, or spray it around your home to cool down the environment.
If you suffer from stress and anxiety, why not try a worry stone to soothe your body and mind? Try out one of our recommended stones and follow our top tips for the best results!