12 Oct Best Crystals For Your Car
You can use crystals in so many ways; healing, energy clearing – and protection. So, if you worry about driving or traveling in the car, why not use one for safe travel? Let’s take a look at the best protective crystals for your car and how to use them.
Why Use Crystals In Your Car?
As mentioned above, crystals can be used in so many ways, and each one carries a different energy that resonates with us in a unique way. Protective stones are the most commonly used stones in cars to protect travelers against accidents and other scary situations during car journeys by keeping away negative forces and inviting in divine protection.
However, there are also calming stones for nervous drivers and passengers who don’t enjoy riding in the car, stones that help to combat car sickness, and more.
Best Crystals For Your Car
Here are the best crystals for your car for protection.
Amethyst is a master healer that can be used for almost anything – including car travel! It’s the ultimate all-around crystal for all things spiritual, and it’s excellent for beginners. It is also associated with the third eye, which governs our psychic abilities, so it’s a good stone to supplement blessing your car or casting some kind of protective spell over it.
As its name would suggest, Angelite is an angelic baby blue crystal that relaxes the body and mind, which is ideal if you suffer from driving anxiety – or if you have a child or pet who does. It also invites protection from the astral realm for your travels.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate is famous for its peaceful properties and calming energy, making it the perfect stone for drivers with road rage. You can use this tranquil blue stone to keep a level head whilst on the road and prevent accidents and anger during travel.
Jasper is famous for its ability to dispel nausea, so if you or someone you’re traveling with gets motion sickness whilst traveling in the car, it’s a great one to wear or keep around.
Larimar is often used as a worry stone because it successfully blocks out anxious thoughts, which is super beneficial if you’re worried about a big journey.
Selenite is a powerful cleansing crystal that purifies the energy around it, wherever it is placed. This is perfect for cleansing new cars that have been previously owned and also keeping the energy bright and positive – which is great if you commute to a particularly stressful job by car – to wash away bad vibes before going home. It is self-cleansing, too, so there’s no need to cleanse it yourself.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is another powerful cleansing crystal. It has an overall clearing effect which is ideal for smaller spaces like cars and also promotes relaxation, and it resonates with the crown chakra which is responsible for our connection to the spiritual world, so it’s another good one for invoking divine protection on your journey.
Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is famous its protective energy. It absorbs negative energy in all of its forms and transforms it into positive energy, but it also prevents negative influences from affecting you or entering the space it is placed in, so it’s the perfect crystal for people who are looking for protection on the road.
Hematite is a grounding crystal that resonates with the root chakra – the chakra in charge of our connection to the physical world, so it’s a great stone to take with you on travels to new places to prevent getting lost and keep you on track.
It is also a powerful protective stone and has a long history of being used to block negative energies; dating back to Ancient Rome when soldiers would stud their armor with it to protect them on the battlefield.
Green Adventurine
Known as a good luck stone, Green Aventurine is a great stone to take with you in the car if you’re worried about making it somewhere on time or if you’re traveling to an important meeting or interview.
Black Obsidian
Black Obsidian is another of the great protective crystals. It shields against all forms of negativity, including energy attacks, electromagnetic fields, and more. It also draws out mental stress and tension and helps with physical pain.
Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz is also a protective stone, but it is also known for its anchoring and grounding properties, which can help with navigating difficult journeys.
Shungite is an ancient stone that is said to be able to stop any hazardous energy in its tracks by absorbing and dissolving it. It is around two billion years old, pre-dating organic life on Earth, so it’s an absolute master of protection.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is a great stone for new and young drivers because it carries the nurturing, loving, and feminine energy of the heart to calm the nerves of learners and make them feel safe and assured whilst driving.
Pyrite is another ancient gem that is loved for its ability to protect from environmental and emotional waves of negative energy, which is perfect for anxious drivers and journeys through difficult terrain.
Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye is synonymous with strength, safety, confidence, and courage, which is why it is an excellent choice for nervous drivers and people or pets who find riding in the car frightening. It’s also a grounding stone and a good luck stone.
Finally, we have Mookaite. Mookaite is a beautiful, unique-looking crystal that is often used for mindfulness. It also improves memory and helps you to remain calm in stressful situations, which is perfect for nervous drivers.
How To Use Crystals For Your Car
Here are the best ways to use crystals for your car.
Put Them It In Your Car
The most straightforward way to use crystals in your car is to place them somewhere central in the vehicle. You can do this by hanging a crystal charm on the mirror or placing it somewhere safe on the dashboard. This is a great option for everyday travel to school or work if you’re a generally cautious driver.
Spray Crystal-infused Water
If you don’t like having things in your car, you can also spray crystal-infused water around it to keep it safe. You can do this by filling a spray bottle up with water and placing a crystal in the bottom of it.
Leave it overnight, and then spray it around your car. It may help to recite a protective affirmation to set your intention and envision a protective light surrounding the car. Before you make crystal-infused water, double-check that your crystal is water-safe.
Every crystal is different, so be sure to look up the Mohs hardness scale score of your gemstone. This scientific scale ranks the hardness of a mineral out of ten by testing its resistance against others. If it scores over a 6 it’s safe to use with water.
Wear Crystal Jewelry
Another way that you can use crystals in your car is by wearing crystals to keep you safe on your travel – this is a great option for particularly big trips or when you’re a passenger in somebody else’s car.
Cleansing & Charging
We recommend cleansing and charging your crystals to keep them vibrating at a high level and avoid danger. Many crystals are energetically absorbent, so if they’re with you on a daily basis on your work commute or on large trips you’re particularly anxious about – they could pick up some bad energy, which isn’t great for the car.
So, cleanse them once a month to dispel any bad vibes by placing them in the moonlight on the night of the full moon. You can also smudge them with sage, place them in salt or salt-water, run them under the tap, or place them on a cleansing plate.
You should also charge them to fill them back up with good energy by placing them in the sunlight or burying them in the Earth. The moonlight and sunlight methods are easiest, and if you plan on leaving your crystals in your car, you won’t have to do anything but leave them where they are.
Other Ways To Protect Your Car
Other ways that you can protect the energy of your car aside from crystals include using purifying and protective herbs like thyme and sage or essential oils like Frankincense, spritzing some salt water around the inside or outside of it, or playing some cleansing sound bath whilst you drive.
You can also use your own spiritual power by setting an intention with your car or asking for divine protection from spirits. Using these methods alongside crystals will create extra protection around your car.
Final thoughts
If you’re a cautious traveler, we highly recommend using one of these crystals for car protection and safe travels. Follow our top tips for the best results and enjoy your travels! Follow our top tips for the best results and enjoy your travels!