12 Nov 5 Best Crystals for Protection When Driving
Today when people see or hear about the best crystals for protection against negative energy while driving, the reaction might be, “What does that mean?” There will be a similar reaction to a headline that announces crystals for travel or crystals for protection.
Healing crystals that repel negative energy are one of those amazing things on earth that appear to emanate an unexplainable power.
The History of Crystals
A walk back through history from the earliest recorded days reveals a fascination, reverence, as well as an unexplained belief that natural healing crystals have metaphysical powers, healing, protective and other attributes.
In ancient Egypt, where science and medicine were important pursuits, protection stones are mentioned in the same writings as magic. High priests, healers, and soothsayers incorporated and recommended protection crystals, crystals for travel, healing crystals as well as many other purposes.
The Ancient Sumerians left us written records of their magic formulas which included the use of crystals. Amulets of Baltic amber dated to 30,000 years ago have been unearthed.
The use and reason for these protection crystals are unclear, however, it is another obvious sign that people from all cultures have been drawn to and have an affinity for the power of natural protection crystals.
Spanning the globe, the centuries, cultures, and religions, natural crystals appear to have been a significant part of them all. The Greeks have passed down the language of crystals. Descriptive words and names assigned to protection stones are of Greek origin.
In fact, the word, crystal, is derived from the Greek word for ice. The Greek word for ice was used to describe clear quartz because it was thought that it was water that was frozen so deep in the earth that it turned solid and would never become liquid again.
Other words assigned to particular protective crystals that were commonly used were assigned by their uses, amethyst was an amulet worn by many as one of the crystals for protection.
It was not one of the protection crystals for protection while driving at the time, it was protective against drunkenness and hangovers.
The word amethyst literally translated from the Greek means not drunk. It was not worn by teenagers or students who were on benders or partying, it was worn because wine was a common beverage in ancient Greece.
It was a more common beverage because it didn’t harbor the bacteria, fungus and diseases associated with unfiltered water.
Religious Protection Crystals
The use and mention of protective crystals in world religions is extensive. Throughout the scriptures and writings of every major religion of humanity, protection crystals and gemstones are mentioned.
The Bible, the Koran, Buddhist, and Hindu texts all mention not only protective crystals, but the best crystals for protection against negative energies.
An offering to the gods in Hinduism, known as the Kalpa Tree is said to be made entirely of precious stones. The Buddhist talk of a diamond throne near the Tree of Knowledge, the tree where Siddhartha meditated.
As the centuries rolled on, there were more cited uses and reverence for the power of crystals. During the Renaissance heavily influenced by Christianity, there are medical journals that speak of precious and semi-precious stones and their healing powers.
It is during the Renaissance that the scientific investigation of the best crystals for protection against negative energies began, it continues today.
Science Explains How Protective Crystals Protect and Heal
Protection crystals are minerals that have undergone fossilization. Everyone is familiar with the story of how a diamond forms. It is coal that has been under enormous pressure for decades and more.
It fossilizes and changes from a hard black mineral into a harder clear exquisite crystal with intricate patterns and prisms of colors within. Every protection stone is the result of a similar process.
Science cannot explain the healing powers or recommend protection stones while driving, it can only explain that these natural minerals have undergone remarkable energy transference.
Protection stone experts and gemologists believe that it is this transformative energy that produces the power to heal and protect against negative energy and negative influences.
The use of powerful protection crystals to dispel negative energy, realign the healing properties of bodies and form a protective aura are anecdotal.
However, the use of protection stones in alternative therapies are growing exponentially as the realization that healing requires the right energy and mood. There are users who believe that the power of a protection stone fights depression, as well as provides spiritual protection.
Best Crystals for Protection Against Negative Energies
Over the centuries specific crystals have been noted as offering particular energies, some protective, some healing. There are recommendations for the best crystals for protection, the best crystals for travel, and powerful protection crystals while driving.
It is also believed by crystal aficionados, experts, and gemologists that many crystals are so powerful that their energy redirection potential can heal and protect. They have immense power when it comes to absorbing negative energy.
5 Protection Stones Against Negative Energies When Driving
Centuries ago the Greeks already decided that amethyst was a highly protective crystal which projected a protective energy field keeping drunkenness and hangovers at bay. This protective crystal absorbs negative energy as well as unwanted or negative influences.
Today this beautifully crystallized violet variety of quartz is seen as highly protective as well as projecting a healing and purifying energy. It forms a six-sided prism while fossilizing causing it to have a depth of hues and colors which include violet, purple and dark purple.
Clear Quartz
Among crystal experts clear quartz is the epitome of all crystals. To expert healer this protective stone is more precious than a diamond. The energy of the crystal quartz has multiple properties.
Its energy fields coming from the depths of the earth can absorb, store, release and regulate positive energy, emotional healing, energy protection, and emotional energy.
This protective stone is selected as one of the crystals for protection while driving and as one of the important crystals for travel because it is said to have a strong influence over memory and concentration.
Its protective properties is thought to be enhanced when it is paired with rose quartz. It can block negative energy, and it offers psychic protection against negative vibrations.
Tiger’s Eye
This powerful protective crystal is a selected crystal for safe travel because its energy properties are said to enhance concentration as well as alleviate negative thoughts and anxiety.
In erasing the negative energy of self-doubt and warding off psychic attacks, Tiger’s Eye is a top pick among crystal enthusiasts for protection while driving, crystals for travel as well as an all-around top-five choice for best protection crystal against negative energy.
This protection crystal has a depth of color and patterns which include golden to red-brown mixtures that hint at the infinite energy infused in it during its fossilization period.
Depending on its origin, Tiger’s Eye can present as a glowing ember or a muted earth tone. The complexities of its color structure distinctively balanced and in harmony is thought to supply the same natural defense system to those who have it.
Black Obsidian
Another of the most coveted of highly protective stones. Revered for its intensity in color as well as its ability to supply a protective shield against psychic attacks and emotional negativity and circumstances.
Crystal users and experts say that these healing stones work on both sides of the energy spectrum. Its protective barrier can absorb and cut negative vibes while supplying clarity that promotes strength.
As a healing crystal, it is believed that it aids in digestion, and detox, and eases pains and cramps.
Used by healers throughout history in many cultures as a powerful reliever of stomach issues. It makes the top five crystals for travel as well as crystals for protection while driving along with being an overall one of the best crystals for protection against negative energy.
It is believed that its negativity absorption power encourages positive thinking, enhances intuition, and makes the wearer or possessor keenly aware of danger.
Believers in the powers of healing stones say that foresight is a human trait that is masked by societal expectations, the energy and power of the Black Obsidian unveils the natural foresight in all.
It is an energy amplifier, reduces uncertainty in new locations and has a built-in energy guide.
Used for thousands of years and noted as a powerful mental and physical healing crystal, this powerful protection stone is also a highly protective gemstone. Turquoise possesses protective qualities that guard the mind, body, and spirit which puts it clearly on the list of top five crystals for travel as well as crystals for protection while driving.
Of course, it is also one of the most dynamic crystals against bad vibes and negative energy.
As a healer over many centuries of use, it has been the prescribed gemstone for respiratory, skeletal, and immune system issues. As a protector, it is a powerful amulet that sharpens intuition and awareness while dispelling negativity.
It has powerful healing energy which can block negative forces and harmful energies. These protective crystals work to provide spiritual protection as well as emotional protection.
Its energy signature is considerably strong, which makes it one of the best protection stones.
In general, there are four basic types of crystals, covalent, ionic, metallic, and molecular. Among these four types, there are infinite variations depending on their age and where they fossilized. Each has undergone an energy transformation with the surrounding earth, minerals, rocks, and substances at different levels as they formed.
The crystallization process, geometric patterns, and energy transference are unique to each. As science looks for the energy transfer mechanisms, centuries of cultures, and religions have intuitively understood the powers of crystals. The best protection crystals can protect you against negative self-talk, psychic attack, unwanted energy, and dark energy.
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