12 Oct Best Crystals For Money, Wealth & Abundance
You can use crystals in so many ways – including for money! If you’re having money problems or just want to live a more lavish lifestyle, let’s take a look at the best crystals for attracting money.
How Can Crystals Attract Money?
Every crystal carries a different energy – sometimes they’re cleansing crystals, sometimes they’re protective crystals, others resonate with different chakras, and others bring good luck and good fortune.
Money is simply energy – so whether you want to manifest a steady income of money from a particular source, for example, a new job, pay raise, or promotion, you need a bill paid by a certain date, or you want to win big on the lottery, if you use a crystal that attracts wealth and abundant energy, you can manifest wealth with ease.
Best Crystals For Money, Wealth & Abundance
Here are our top crystals for making money!
Amethyst is known for being the ultimate all-around crystal for all things spiritual, and it’s an excellent stone for beginners. So, if you’re looking for something to help you out in all areas of your life- including your finances, or you’re just starting out with manifesting, we’d highly recommend getting a piece of Amethyst.
It is also a third eye chakra stone, which governs our spiritual intuition and psychic abilities, so it’s a great stone to aid money manifestation rituals and when used in meditation, may help you to come up with money-making ideas or intuitively find your next career move.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is another master healer that is known to re-balance the crown chakra, which controls our connection to the spiritual world and improves mental clarity. This is a great crystal for people who want to seek divine guidance on their financial situation and be able to think more clearly about their work life.
Carnelian is both a manifestation stone and a sacral chakra stone, which governs our creativity, so it is perfect for artists and other creatives who are trying to get their big break and find success in their field. If you’re not in a creative field, it can still help you to come up with new money-making ideas and manifest more money.
Malachite, also known as the stone of transformation, works with the higher chakras in the body to bring help you let go of old bad habits and create newer, better ones. So, if you are somebody who is not great with their money or tends to spend too much and never save anything, this stone can help you to manage your money better.
It’s also great for procrastination, so if you do have big goals and plans for your career, it will help you to put them into action.
Fluorite, also known as the genius stone, works with all seven of the chakras to improve brain function for better focus, concentration, organization, and time management, so if you’re struggling with money management or need help with your work ethic, this could be the stone for you.
Green Jade
Green Jade is associated with good luck and good fortune, so it’s a great stone to use if you want to manifest a big lump sum or win the lottery for lifelong financial security. It also resonates with the heart chakra which governs our self-love, so if you have deep-seated money blockages or you don’t believe that you deserve money, Green Jade can help to unblock those.
Green Aventurine
Green Aventurine is another stone famous for its lucky energy and its ability to harness money, but it is also known for its soothing energy. Green Aventurine balances the energy system to promote inner harmony, calming nervousness and irritation and helps dissolve stress, so it’s ideal for people who are suffering from money woes and worries.
Moss Agate
Moss Agate has a long history of being used for luck, especially for financial success. Going back to the 18th century, British farmers believed that the stone would bring prosperity to their lands.
It is also a heart chakra stone and it is known to stabilize energy, keep you grounded, and encourage growth and optimism, so it’s the perfect stone for both steady streams of income and winning big.
Turquoise crystals are excellent stones for attracting wealth. They’ve been prized for their beauty and metaphysical properties in different cultures across the world throughout history, and they’re said to bring luck, peace, and protection.
If you’re looking to win big or attract a big money-making opportunity, Moldavite may be the stone for you. Technically, it is a tektite rather than a crystal, which means that it comes from outer space, which is probably why it holds so much celestial, magical power.
It’s one of the best crystals for manifestation, so it’s the ideal stone for people with big dreams when it comes to money. That said – beware, it is a very powerful crystal, and it can purge out negative energy before it attracts positive energy, so if you’re not careful, you may find that your money situation gets worse before it gets better. We recommend working on your mindset first and exposing yourself to the crystal very gradually.
Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye is one of the best crystals for good luck around. Like the tiger, it’s associated with courage and prosperity, so if you’re looking for some courage to take the next steps into your bigger career goals, start a new business, work for yourself, or just win big – Tiger’s Eye could be a great choice for you.
Garnet is a root chakra stone. This chakra governs our most basic needs and our connection to the physical world, which includes finances and material objects. So, it can help you to attract safety and security if you’re struggling with rent and bills.
If you are somebody who values job satisfaction and you want to make money doing what you love in life, Citrine can help. Citrine is associated with the solar plexus chakra, which governs our sense of purpose in life.
If you are struggling to find your purpose or you’re not sure if you’re on the right path, Citrine can help you to fix that. If you are sure of your purpose but you’re unsure of how to make money with it or just need help opening the right doors, Citrina can also help with that.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate is famous for its serene, calming properties. If you’re struggling with stress and anxiety over money troubles, use Blue Lace Agate to calm your mind. We live in a like-attracts-like universe, so when you worry about money, you’ll probably find that you attract more money problems. Using this crystal will help you to relax and see things more clearly.
Selenite is not necessarily a money crystal, but it can be used in conjunction with other money crystals to help fix your mindset when it comes to finances. If you’re somebody who has a deep-seated belief that money is hard to come by, this stone can help you to change that as it is a cleansing stone that encourages positive thinking.
Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline may not sound like a money crystal, as it is famous for its protective properties, but if you’re really struggling financially, it may help to protect your energy from further problems. It’s best used when income is strained. For example, if you’ve lost your job or you’re feeling down on your luck, as it transforms negative energy into positive energy.
How To Use Crystals For Money
Here are the best ways to use crystals for your car.
Meditating with your money crystals will help to clear out any mental or energetic blockages you have when it comes to attracting money and help you focus your mind on manifesting an abundant life – whether you’re trying to be self-sufficient, get a better job, or not work at all!
You can also include your money crystals in your manifestation process; use them alongside scripting techniques, positive affirmations, and visualization to bring wealth into your life. Whichever technique you use, you need to be sure that your thoughts, words, or visualizations imply that you already have what you want.
Whether you want to manifest a specific amount of money by a certain date, manifest a lump sum from a loved one or competition win, or an opportunity that provides you with a better stream of income. You can also manifest money out of thin air with no explanation whatsoever.
Water is an excellent tool for crystal work. Just so long as the crystal you’re using is water-safe according to the Mohs hardness scale, a scientific scale that rates the hardness of minerals out of ten, you can use it to enhance your crystal work. It must score a six or above, and if it does, you can use it to make crystal-infused water or take a crystal bath.
There are a few ways to do this. You can create crystal-infused water by leaving your stone in a bottle of water overnight and then spraying it around your workspace to bring success or new ideas and drink it, make tea with it, clean your face with it, or bathe in a crystal bath by placing your stone at the bottom of your tub after your morning meditation or manifestation ritual.
Another way that you can use money crystals is by wearing them in jewelry. Keeping them so close to your body in the form of rings, necklaces, and bracelets, will undo deep money blockages and turn you into an abundant energy magnet. You can also use jewelry to bring you good luck at interviews or work meetings in which you stand to make a lot of money.
Keep it close
If you’re not into wearing jewelry, you can keep your money stones close to you by carrying them around in your pocket or purse instead.
At home
If you’re struggling with bills, applying to jobs, manifesting a big lump sum, or you’re working on a creative project at home with a view to making money, keeping a money crystal at home is a great way to keep the atmosphere abundant and positive. Be sure to keep it somewhere central or significant – such as your work desk or bedroom.
At work
If you’re looking to earn more money at work or come up with a big new idea that will bring you more wealth, keep your money stone on your desk or in your office at work to remain inspired and abundant.
How To Make A Crystal Grid For Money
Another great way to use money crystals is via a crystal grid. Crystal grids are grids in which you set up your crystals in a way that focuses their energies towards a specific intention, such as attracting money.
It works by placing crystals that complement each other next to each other in a sacred shape to activate their metaphysical properties and amplify their vibrations in conjunction with your intention. You can buy a board online to set them up in or simply set them up in your chosen shape if it’s a simpler one.
To set up the grid, first, you must pick your chosen crystals and a shape in which to set them up. Then, pick a location that feels right, central, or significant, such as your work desk or bedroom. Cleanse the space before you set the board up, and be sure to set your intention with your mind, word, or even by placing a coin under the board.
You can also write your intention down on a piece of paper and place it under the board. Then, place your crystals on the board and activate the grid with your words or using a crystal wand. You should place the stone that resonates most with your intention in the center, as this gives off the strongest energy. The surrounding stones should complement and amplify the center stone, so use your intuition or look up a template online if you need some help.
You can use any of the crystals mentioned in this list to create your money crystal grid. There are many different shapes in which you can choose to set your grid up in, but the ones that work best for money are triangles, squares, hexagons, pentagrams, and the wheel of time. Let’s take a closer look at these shapes.
The triangle (or pyramid) is an ancient, sacred shape that is synonymous with manifestation and spiritual enlightenment. You can use it to manifest new opportunities for making money, find the career path for you, and attract big lump sums.
The square is another good shape for money as it represents simplicity and structure. This is a great shape for people who need to manifest financial stability quickly in turbulent times when you have a big bill that needs paying or you’ve just lost your job.
The hexagon appears in many ancient symbols; historically, it represents the potential for life, so it’s a great shape for manifesting your wildest dreams, such as a lottery win or wealthy significant other, as well as aligning yourself with your life purpose. If you think that your life purpose relates to your career, you can use the hexagon to manifest the right opportunities to kickstart your new career.
The pentagon is an age-old symbol synonymous with witchcraft, Wicca, and paganism. So, if you prefer to cast spells over the usual manifestation techniques, use the magical star-like symbol to conjure up wealth and material success.
Wheel of time
The wheel of time, also known as the Ashok chakra looks like a wheel with 24 spokes that represent the twenty-four hours of the day. It is perfect for invoking big life changes in small amounts of time, so it’s a great shape for people who are in urgent need of a quick payout for pending bills.
Cleansing & Charging Your Money Crystals
We recommend cleansing and charging your money crystals on a regular basis to keep them working well. Crystals absorb energy, so if they absorb too much negative energy, particularly if you’re worried about money, they can sometimes have the opposite effect and start bringing you bad luck.
So, you should cleanse them around once a month to get rid of any bad energy by placing them in the moonlight on the night of the full moon. You can also smudge them with sage, place them in salt, rice, or salt water, run them under the tap, or use a crystal-cleansing plate.
You should also charge them to fill them back up with positive energy and keep them vibrating at a high level by placing them in the sunlight or burying them in the Earth. Both of these methods are effective, but the Earth method is great for invoking secure energy which is synonymous with money – and the sun can help with creativity, which may be preferential to you if you’re trying to
Final Thoughts
If you’re looking to make more money or attract a big win, we highly recommend using one of these crystals to attract wealth and abundance. Follow our top tips for the best results and enjoy your prosperity!