08 Nov Best Crystals For Confidence
Spiritual healers have been using crystals for self-improvement and empowerment for hundreds of years – and so can you! If you’re looking to improve your confidence in some way, let’s take a look at the best crystals for the job and how to use them.
How Can Crystals Improve Your Confidence?
Every crystal carries and attracts different energies; there are cleansing crystals, protective crystals, healing crystals, good luck crystals, and more. Crystals that emanate and attract positive energy can be used to give us a boost in all areas of our lives – including the way we feel about ourselves.
Others resonate with different chakras – the solar plexus chakra in particular is the one that primarily governs our self-confidence, and crystals that resonate with this chakra can help to align it and activate it, boosting our overall self-esteem.
That said, the other chakras can inspire confidence in the areas of our lives in which they correlate and help us to overcome obstacles that are blocking us from feeling good about ourselves.
Best Crystals For Confidence
Let’s take a closer look at some confidence-boosting crystals.
Citrine is powerful a stone of positivity. The bright orange crystal carries the bright and wonderful energy of the sun and gives off and invites in positive vibes and inspires positive thinking – including about yourself, raising your self-esteem and confidence.
It resonates with both the solar and sacral chakras and also brings about positive changes in your life, such as work opportunities and more.
Sunstone is another gemstone that resonates with the solar plexus chakra and sacral chakra and is known as a stone of joy. Brimming with sunshine energy, it inspires good nature and enhances your enjoyment of life, so if you actively struggle with your confidence, this stone can help to turn things around.
Tigers Eye
Tiger’s Eye is another great stone for confidence as it inspires strength and courage in its users. It also helps you to feel grounded, stable, and comfortable, so it’s an excellent stone for people who struggle with their confidence due to personal anxieties or fears.
It also attracts good luck and prosperity, so it’s ideal for people who are looking to gain confidence in their professional life.
Yellow Jasper
Yellow Jasper is a remarkable stone for building self-confidence, especially in teens and young adults, because it deflects jealousy from drama and gossip that intends to bring you down, eases self-consciousness in public, and helps to overcome embarrassment. It also encourages positive thinking and supports learning and intelligence, which is excellent for students who need confidence in class or exams.
Yellow Jasper also makes an excellent diet stone, instilling self-discipline and boosting physical energy levels, so it’s a great stone for people who need confidence whilst changing their weight or recovering from eating disorders.
Lemon Quartz
Lemon Quartz is a stone of positivity and opportunity for people whose confidence has been knocked by rejection or failure. If you’re feeling a little bit lost in life, this stone’s energies will open you up to new experiences and align you with the people and opportunities that are destined for you, re-igniting your lust for life and re-instilling your self-belief in who you are and why you’re here.
Carnelian is a powerful sacral chakra stone. This chakra governs your sexual energy, fertility, passion, adventure, and creativity, so it’s an excellent stone for empowering yourself in general and boosting your overall sense of self.
It’s also great for gaining confidence in your physical body and sex life and making you appear more confident and charismatic in the eyes of others, as well as giving you confidence in your creative ideas and life choices if you’re an artist or unconventional spirit.
If you’re looking to manifest more confidence for yourself without healing anything emotionally or working on your chakras, Moldavite is another excellent stone to use. Technically, it is a tektite rather than a crystal, which means it comes from outer space, which is probably why it holds so much mystical power.
However, you should expose yourself to the stone gradually, because it has a tendency to purge out any underlying negative energies before manifesting positive change, so you might find that you feel worse before you feel better, have nightmares, or even experience some bad luck in the initial days or couple of weeks. Persistence is key!
Selenite is a powerful energy cleanser and can help to clear deep blockages within your mind and soul that hinder your self-confidence. In addition, it invites angelic energy into your life to protect you and prevent anything from getting in the way of your self-esteem transformation. It’s also self-cleansing, so there’s no need to cleanse it to keep it clear of bad energy.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is a master healer among crystals and is also known for its overall clearing effect, similar to Selenite. It also resonates strongly with the crown chakra, which is responsible for our connection to the spirit world, as well as our sense of clarity, so if you’re unsure of why you’re feeling down on yourself, Clear Quartz can help you to see things more clearly.
Garnet is a root chakra stone – the root is the chakra that grounds us and makes us feel safe and secure in the physical world, so if your confidence is lacking due to physical insecurities or poor health, you can use it to boost your physical energy, health, and vitality and improve your body image.
Amethyst is known for being the ultimate all-around crystal for healing and spirituality, and it’s the perfect stone for beginners. So, if you’re looking for something to help you out in several areas of your life, including your self-confidence, using Amethyst is a great place to start.
It also resonates strongly with the third eye chakra, which governs our spiritual abilities and focus, so you can use it to manifest more confidence or manifest other changes that may help with your confidence, such as your weight or appearance.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is one of the most popular healing crystals as it resonates strongly with the heart chakra. This is not only the chakra of love, but it is also the chakra of self-love, nurturing, and healing, so if your confidence issues stem from not liking yourself very much, Rose Quartz can help you to overcome self-sabotage, have more self-compassion, improve the way you see and feel about yourself, inspire you to take care of yourself, and forgive yourself for past mistakes. You can also use it for more confidence in your dating life.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate is a throat chakra stone. The throat chakra governs our communication and self-expression, so if your confidence issues are rooted in social anxieties or worries about the way others see you, Blue Lace Agate may be the stone for you.
It’s also an excellent stone for confidence in performing and public speaking, so it’s the ideal stone for musicians, actors, and people who are susceptible to stage fright. In addition, it’s known as a stone of peace, calm, and serenity, so it will soothe away those anxieties, as well as any others as your state changes.
Green Adventurine
If you are someone who struggles to have confidence in their decisions and constantly doubts themselves, whether it be what colors to paint your new home or whether or not to quit your job, Green Adventurine can help. This stone will focus your mind and help you to make even the toughest decisions with ease.
Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is famously a stone of protection, so if you’re already working on your confidence but find that it is easily knocked by negative people or situations that come up in your life – protect your energy (and your confidence) with Black Tourmaline.
How To Use Crystals For Confidence
Let’s take a quick look at how you can use your confidence crystals to eliminate low self-esteem and self-doubt and improve your self-confidence.
Meditating with your confidence crystals will help to remove any blockages in your mind or energy system that stop you from feeling confident. It will also boost your overall mood and emotional state.
If you’re in need of a complete transformation when it comes to your self-esteem, meditating with solar plexus crystal in particular will especially help to ignite that feeling of inner strength and personal power necessary to completely transform your confidence.
Crystals are not necessary for manifestation, but they do amplify your vibration, so using tones that align with the energy you’re putting out will help your manifestation to come to you even faster.
If you don’t want to spend time healing any blockages or emotional wounds and just want to skip straight to the confidence, use your crystals alongside manifestation techniques to boost your self-image and feel great about who you are.
Or, if there’s something in particular that is preventing you from feeling good about yourself, such as a perceived physical flaw or a life circumstance, you can use your crystals to help you manifest them away.
Water Rituals
If the gem you’re using is water-safe, you can use it to enhance your confidence-boosting crystal work. There are a few ways to do this; you can either take a crystal bath by placing your stone in the bathtub or drink crystal-infused water by leaving your stone in some water overnight. You can also spray crystal water around your home or bedroom to boost the energy around you.
Another way that you can use your crystals is by wearing them. This is great for big manifestations, chakra activation, and getting rid of deep blockages. If you’re not into wearing your crystals, you can also them close to you by carrying them around with you.
At Home Or Work
You can also keep your crystal somewhere central or significant at your home or workplace such as your desk or bedside table to keep its energies close to you and keep the energy around you inspiring and uplifting.
Crystal Grids
Another very popular way to use confidence crystals at home is by using a crystal grid. Crystal grids are grids in which you set up your crystals in a sacred shape such as a triangle, pentagram, or circle that focuses their energies towards your intention – in this case, building confidence.
Simply place the crystal that resonates most with your desire in the center of the grid and use the supporting crystals to amplify its energy.
Importance Of Cleansing And Charging For Confidence Crystals
You should cleanse and charge your crystals on a regular basis no matter what you use them for, but it’s especially important when it comes to crystals for confidence and other aspects of your mental and spiritual health.
This is because crystals absorb the energies around them, so if you experience doubts or purges of bad energy during your transformation, this can throw their energy off-kilter and make them not work as well or even make you feel worse about yourself.
So, you should cleanse them around once a month to get rid of any bad vibes and charge them to re-fill them with positive energy. The best way to charge your crystals is using the light of the full moon, but you can also smudge them with sage, wash them with water or salt water (if they’re water-safe), or use a crystal-cleansing plate. Sunlight and contact with the Earth are the easiest ways to charge your crystals.
If you have low self-esteem or you are in need of a confidence boost in a particular area of your life, we highly recommend using one of the crystals mentioned on this list to help you build your confidence and self-esteem. Make sure you follow our top tips for the best results and remember that you are meant to be happy and have everything you want in this life!
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