22 Jul Best Crystals for Astral Projection
Crystals can be used to help you perform many spiritual practices – including astral projection. Let’s take a look at the best crystals for astral travel.
What Is Astral Projection?
Astral projection is a term used in spirituality to describe an out-of-body experience in which the soul or consciousness, also called the astral body, leaves the physical body and is able to travel the astral plane. People who astral project claim to be able to invisibly explore the world, travel to other worlds, and even interact with other traveling souls and spirits. It’s something that many of us strive to do – but how do you do it?
How To Astral Project
Some people are born with the ability to astrally project with ease, but anybody can learn to astral travel through focused meditation. There are also crystals, hypnosis techniques, and binaural beats that can help you to better focus your intentions, and you may also want to experiment with sitting and lying positions.
Is Astral Projection Dangerous?
Astral projection can be a little frightening at first, and there are lots of negative energies and spirits out there that may be attracted to you if you’re not in the best frame of mind when you travel, so it’s best to attempt it when you’re feeling good. Ask your spirit guides and guardian angels for protection, and remember that you can return to your body at any time.
How Can Crystals Help You to Astral Project?
Different crystals hold different powers and those that stimulate the third eye and crown chakras are helpful when trying to astral project. Both of these chakras relate to the spiritual world and are necessary to stimulate in order to practice astral projection. You can also use crystals to help you relax, ground you, and keep you safe on your travels.
Best Crystals For Astral Projection
Now that we know a little more about it, let’s get into the best crystals for astral projection.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate is a balancing stone that comes in many colors. It promotes inner peace and deep relaxation and has a calming effect on the energies around it; which is great for anybody who struggles to get themselves into the deeper state that is necessary for astral projection.
How to use: The best way to use Blue Lace Agate is to meditate with it or keep it close by.
Amethyst is a powerful healing crystal and all-around crystal for all things spiritual, but it is also associated with the third eye. The third eye chakra governs your spiritual intuition, imagination, and psychic abilities, and you can use Amethyst to align and open this chakra, which is essential to facilitate lucid dreaming and astral journeying.
How to use: The best way to use Amethyst for astral projection is by meditating with it or keeping it under your pillow. It may help to place it on your forehead whilst meditating, or wear it on a piece of jewelry for deep chakra healing.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is another popular crystal for spiritual healing. It is also great for astral travel as it is associated with the crown chakra. The crown chakra is the seventh and final chakra and it controls our connection to the soul and the spiritual world, so it is very important for astral projection. You can use Clear Quartz to re-balance and stimulate the crown in a safe way and help you access the astral plane.
How to use: The best way to use Clear Quartz for astral projection is by meditating with it, wearing it, or keeping it under your pillow.
Carnelian is not related to the crown chakra or the third eye chakra – but it is a master of manifestation and it instills courage in all who use it. Using Carnelian will help you to focus your intentions and bring about your desire to travel the astral plane, whilst also giving you the courage to do so without fear.
How to use: The best way to use Carnelian for astral travel is with meditation and keeping it close by or under your pillow.
Moldavite is not technically a crystal, it is a tektite; meaning it comes from outer space. However, it is an excellent stone for astral projection because it acts as a gateway to the divine and the supernatural. It is a truly mystical stone with mighty magical properties that can stimulate spiritual awakening and amplify spiritual energy – but proceed with caution.
Moldavite is very powerful and tends to purge out any negative energy from its user before getting to the good stuff, so if you’re not in a good headspace, you should fix that before using Moldavite, or you will have some spooky experiences. It’s also a good idea to build up your exposure to Moldavite gradually.
How to use: The best way to use it for astral projection is with meditation or by keeping it next to your bed.
Using a cleansing or purification crystal such as Selenite is a good idea when astral projecting, especially for beginners, as it helps to keep your energy and the energy of your surroundings clear whilst you’re off traveling. It also invites good energy and good spirits to interact and watch over you on your travels.
How to use: The best way to use Selenite in this way is by wearing it or keeping it somewhere central in your bedroom.
Citrine is a gorgeous stone that is known to carry the energy of the sun. With its vibrant orange color, is associated with the solar plexus chakra which governs purpose and joy, and it radiates and attracts positive energy as a result. This is a great stone to keep close by during astral projection to ensure a fun experience.
How to use: The best way to use Citrine for astral travel is by wearing it or keeping it by your window or on your bedside table.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is one of the most popular healing crystals around for its ability to nurture unconditional love and open the heart chakra. If you’re looking to meet other souls whilst exploring the astral plane, Rose Quartz ensures that you will only attract beings of love and make meaningful connections.
How to use: The best way to use Rose Quartz for astral travel is by wearing it or putting it under your pillow.
Black Obsidian
Black Obsidian is another good stone for people who are new to astral travel, as it acts as a sort of compass for the astral world and the dreamworld alike; it can help you intuitively navigate your surroundings and get to where you want to go.
How to use: The best way to use Black Obsidian is by wearing it or keeping it under your pillow.
Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is the ultimate protection stone. It shields your body, mind, and soul from negative energies and wards away any unwanted spirits. This stone is a must for anybody who tends to attract bad energy or anyone who is afraid of encountering demonic spirits on their travels.
How to use: The best way to use Black Tourmaline for astral projection is by wearing it, keeping it somewhere central in the room, or placing it by an entrance.
Hematite is a good crystal to have around when you’re astral projecting, as it is a grounding and balancing stone that helps you to reconnect with your physical body. This may seem counter-intuitive, but it’s very useful if you’re worried about getting back.
How to use: The best way to use this beautiful black crystal for astral travel is by wearing it or keeping it under your pillow to create a physical anchor.
Should You Cleanse Your Crystals After Astral Projecting?
You should cleanse your crystals after astral projecting, particularly if you have a bad experience, (unless they’re self-cleansing crystals, like Selenite and Carnelian). The most popular ways to cleanse crystals after astral projection are exposing them to the full moonlight, smudging them with sage, and sitting them near cleansing crystals. You can also wash water-safe crystals under the tap or soak them in salt-water to clear them of any bad energy they have absorbed.
You can also charge your crystals to re-fill them with good energy for your next adventure by leaving them out in the sunlight (if they’re not susceptible to sun-bleaching), or burying them in the Earth for 24 hours.
Knowing about astral projection and crystals can be incredibly important for those seeking to explore the depths of their consciousness and spiritual journey. Astral projection can provide an avenue for individuals to experience a higher state of consciousness and connect with the universe on a deeper level. Crystals, on the other hand, are known for their healing properties and can help individuals during their astral projection journey by providing a sense of grounding and protection. By combining the knowledge of astral projection and crystals, individuals can enhance their spiritual growth and experience a more profound connection with the universe.
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