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Apophyllite – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Apophyllite - Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Apophyllite – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Apophyllite is a true powerhouse of divine energy. If you’re looking to take your spiritual journey to the next level, you’re going to want to think about getting a peice of Apophyllite. So, what exactly is this crystal and what does it do? Let’s take a look at what you need to know.

In This Article

What Is Apophyllite?

Apophyllite is a potassium-calcium fluoride-silicate mineral. Its name refers to a specific group of minerals that it belongs to; it was originally named to represent the most common type of Apophyllite, but since more varieties have been discovered, it now refers to the whole group.

It is a relatively common gem that is found all over the world, including Jalgaon, India, the Harz Mountains of Germany, Mont Saint-Hilaire in Canada, and Kongsberg, Norway, as well as in Scotland, Ireland, Brazil, Japan, and all throughout the United States.

These crystals are found in ancient lava and basalt flows; they grow in solidified cavities, called amygdules, vesicles, or geodes, which are formed by air bubbles when the rock was still a liquid and they grow in Tetragonal shapes.

Types Of Apophyllite

There are a few different types of Apophyllite, but the most common one is white or clear Apophyllite (Hydroxyapophyllite). However, it can also be found in muted shades of green (Fluorapophyllite), as well as yellows, reds, browns, and pinks (Natroapophyllite), with red being the rarest. Each of them has a slightly different energy, but in this article, we’re going to focus on the most common white variety.

History Of Apophyllite Crystals

Apophyllite was first discovered in 1806 by R.J. Hauy and was named after the Greek word for leaf because of its unique tendency to crumble when it gets heated. It has since been used for decorative and spiritual purposes and is considered a semi-precious gemstone today. 

Apophyllite Crystal Meaning

Apophyllite is a powerhouse for all things spiritual, psychic, and divine. It activates the crown and third eye chakras, the element of Air, which represents life and the holy spirit, and the planet Mercury, which represents communication and mentality in astrology, as well as the zodiac sign Gemini (21st May-21st June).

Apophyllite Elements, Chakra, Planet, Color 

Healing Properties Of Apophyllite

Let’s take a look at the benefits of this beautiful crystal.

Apophyllite & Chakra Activation

As mentioned above, Apophyllite aligns and activates the third eye and crown chakras. The third eye chakra, also known as the Anja, is the sixth chakra in the body, located in between the eyebrows. It governs our spiritual sensitivity and intuition, as well as our psychic abilities, imagination, and focus, as well as our mental health.

The crown chakra, also known as the Sahasrara, is the seventh and final chakra in the body, located at the top of the head. It is responsible for our connection to the spiritual world, allowing us to communicate with the divine realm and receive better spiritual guidance, as well as our mental clarity and the health of the physical brain.

Blockages in both of these chakras typically come from ignoring our spiritual side and denying the existence of the non-physical world. This can cause closed-mindedness, confusion, fear of the unknown, difficulty concentrating, self-reflecting, dreaming, and using our imaginations, as well as an overall lack of inspiration and joy in daily life, and of course, a lack of spiritual insight or connection.

Physically, symptoms can include migraines, sinusitis, seizures, issues with vision, and sciatica, as well as poor coordination, a tendency to oversleep, chronic tension headaches, and fatigue.

Apophyllite & The Physical Body

In addition to its incredible spiritual superpowers, this stone can also help with physical healing. Apophyllite detoxifies the body, especially from chemical pollution, boosts energy levels, and helps to alleviate chronic fatigue syndrome.

It can also help your body to heal itself from degenerative diseases and diseases of the tissues, as well as breathing problems like asthma and allergies, promoting regeneration of the mucus membranes and skin.

Apophyllite & Wellbeing

Apophyllite works to relieve us of suppressed feelings, old emotional baggage, and negative thought patterns to make more room for positive change. It blocks out bad thoughts and habits and improves mental clarity and focus, as well as memory and organizational skills. It also relieves stress, feelings of fear, and anxiety, and helps you to prioritize in your daily life.

Apophyllite & Spirituality

Spiritually, Apophyllite is a powerful cleanser of negative energy, most likely because it has high water content, and water is the element of purification. It also balances masculine and feminine energies and will naturally align you with your higher purpose in this life on Earth.

That said, Apophyllite is best known for facilitating the elevation of consciousness when it comes to your spiritual practices and rituals. It is said to be a highly potent stone for meditation, manifestation, spell-casting, astral travel, connecting with angels, clairvoyance, psychic powers and visions, mediumship, and more.

Apophyllite & Relationships

Because of its ability to purge emotional baggage and improve mental clarity, this is an excellent stone to help you see exactly who shouldn’t be in your life. If you’ve been going back and forth about cutting someone out, this stone will help you to make a decision.

It will also help you to realize and appreciate the people in your life who you are meant to know, as well as seek out new connections with the right people by improving your intuition.

Apophyllite & Success

Due to its ability to sharpen your intuition and put you in touch with your Earthly purpose, Apophyllite is an excellent stone for success. It will help you to realize what you truly want to do in life, stay focused, and manifest opportunities that will lead to success.

As it activates the third eye chakra, it can also help you to come up with original ideas for business and creative projects.

Apophyllite & Home Or Work

Keeping your Apophyllite stone around your home will raise the energy around you and keep things positive and dispel bad thoughts in everybody in the home, nurturing an environment of peace and inviting angelic-like protection over the space.

You can also keep it at your workplace for more focus and clarity while working, as well as more harmonious and productive work relationships.

Apophyllite & Gemini

As mentioned above, Apophyllite resonates with the zodiac sign of Gemini. Represented by twins, the Gemini is famous for its inherent duality. Although Agate is the official birthstone of Gemini, Apophyllite makes a great alternative because it helps to ground and balance their dual energies.

Can You Use Apophyllite With Water?

A lot of people like to use water to enhance their work with crystals, but not every gemstone can be used with the element – but what about Apophyllite?

Whether or not it can be used with water depends on how it scores on the Mohs Hardness scale; this is the definitive scientific scale that ranks the hardness of minerals out of ten by testing its resistance against others.

Anything that scores below a five on the scale is generally safe to be used with water, and this notoriously delicate stone scores a 4.5-5, so we wouldn’t recommend getting it wet for any significant length of time, as it may crumble or dissolve.

How To Use Apophyllite Stones

Here is how you can incorporate Apophyllite into your daily life.

Apophyllite & Meditation

As mentioned above, Apophyllite is the perfect stone for meditation, whether you are just starting you’re a seasoned regular who wants to take your consciousness deeper.

You can use it to activate your top two chakras by holding the stone and focusing your energies; it may help to incorporate mudras, sound baths, and mantas, or visualize them opening as a white or purple light (crown) or indigo light (third eye).

Apophyllite & Other Spiritual Practices

Alternatively, you can set your intention and focus your energy on activating other spiritual gifts, such as clairvoyance or mediumship, as discussed above. You can also hold the stone when you practice manifestation and spell-casting techniques to attract romance, success, or whatever you are trying to achieve!

Apophyllite & Astral Travel & Dream Work

If you’re interested in astral travel or dream work, such as recall or lucid dreaming, keep your piece of Apophyllite next to your bed or under your pillow for deeper relaxation, and more vivid dreams, and help to enter the astral plane.

Apophyllite & Reiki

Apophyllite is also regarded as one of the best stones for Reiki healing. Reiki is an ancient form of Japanese energy healing which involves channeling life-force energy through the hands on the body. Incorporating this gem in your Reiki sessions by wearing it, placing it on the body, or keeping it close by will help to take you or your client into a deeper state of relaxation and make them more receptive to the healing.

Wearing Apophyllite Jewelry

Wearing this stone is a great choice for those who want to utilize its healing properties to the max. Keeping it so close to your body will naturally support better physical health and help you to release emotional baggage and break free from bad thought patterns, as well as unblocking the top two chakras. You can also carry it around with you if you don’t want to wear it.

Apophyllite At Home Or Work

Keep your Apopyllite somewhere central or important in your home or workplace, such as your bedside table, living area, office, or work desk.

Taking Care Of Your Apophyllite Stone

Apophyllite is such a potent stone, you must cleanse it of any negative energy it has absorbed at least once a month and charge it back up with good energy to keep it working properly.

There are a few ways in which you can cleanse your crystal, but the easiest and most effective way is using the light of the full moon; you can either place it outside in your backyard or on a window sill in your home to give it a deep spiritual cleanse.

If you want to clean it in between full moons, you can also smudge it with sage or another purifying herb or place it on a crystal-cleansing plate. To recharge your gem with good energy, place it in the sunlight for a few hours.

However, the color can fade out of Apophyllite stones when they’re exposed to sunlight, so if you have a colored variety, only put it in the sun for short periods or longer if you don’t mind the color fading. Bare in mind that if the color does fade, it won’t affect the metaphysical properties of the stone.

If you don’t want to put it in the sun, place it on or under Earth for a day, but be sure to do it on a dry day so you don’t damage the stone.

Alternative & Complimentary Crystals

If Apophyllite isn’t for you, alternative stones with similar energy include Selenite, Celestite, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, and Moldavite. These crystals are all known for their ability to connect with the top two chakras and facilitate better spiritual connection.

Crystals that work well with Apophyllite include Blue Lace Agate, Citrine, Carnelian, Black Tourmaline, and Rose Quartz. They all share the gentle but powerful healing energy of the Apophyllite crystal but direct it toward different parts of the energy system for the total balance.

Of course, you could always pair it with other types of Apophyllites, too. The green stones are known to resonate with the heart chakra the most, whilst the other type is known to align the lower chakras; the root, sacral, and solar plexus.

Does Apophyllite Have Any Negative Effects?

Apophyllite is completely safe to use; it is not toxic or harmful to humans in any way. However, if you use it to activate or further your spiritual awakening, you may experience some strange or uncomfortable symptoms.

This can include a heightened sense of empathy and intuition, vivid or scary dreams, headaches, and feelings of detachment from your body, as well as your emotions, other people, or even your surroundings.

You may also have spiritual or paranormal experiences, issues with your digestive system, feelings of loneliness or isolation, deja vu, brain fog, fatigue, or trouble sleeping. It’s not uncommon to experience changes in life circumstances and relationships, too.

All of that said, try not to worry or be afraid. This is simply your body and mind adjusting to your new level of awareness, and they will soon settle down. However, you should take a break from your spiritual practices if you find them too overwhelming.

How To Identify Apophyllite?

You can buy Apophyllite at many crystal shops and stores, as well as from independent sellers online. It’s not particularly valuable or expensive, but you’ll need to make sure it’s the real deal, as it is commonly mistaken for Clear Quartz.

The first thing that you need to look at is its shape. Apophyllite is a unique shape, resembling pyramid-like prisms stacked on top of and around each other. It’s also a lot softer than Quartz, which should be noticeable from holding it. A colored Apophyllite crystal cluster should be fairly muted or dark and not bright or vibrant, and of course, if it has air bubbles, it’s fake.

How Fragile Is Apophyllite?

As mentioned above, Apophyllite is a soft stone. Most people can break it with their hands, so if you get a piece of Apophyllite, you need to be a little more careful with it than most of your other crystals.

If you need to clean it, you should use a clean, gentle brush and try to avoid water and certainly no chemical soaps. You also should not expose it to any significant heat as it is extremely heat sensitive and can completely change shape when heated.

Final Thoughts

A piece of Apophyllite is a must-have for any crystal collector or anyone who uses gemstones to further their spiritual development. With its beautiful unique shape and divine metaphysical properties, we cannot recommend it highly enough for anybody who is starting their spiritual journey or looking to elevate their consciousness a mile higher. A

Apophyllite is a true powerhouse of divine energy. If you’re looking to take your spiritual journey to the next level, you’re going to want to think about getting a peice of Apophyllite. So, what exactly is this crystal and what does it do? Let’s take a look at what you need to know.

What Is Apophyllite?

Apophyllite is a potassium-calcium fluoride-silicate mineral. Its name refers to a specific group of minerals that it belongs to; it was originally named to represent the most common type of Apophyllite, but since more varieties have been discovered, it now refers to the whole group. It is a relatively common gem that is found all over the world, including Jalgaon, India, the Harz Mountains of Germany, Mont Saint-Hilaire in Canada, and Kongsberg, Norway, as well as in Scotland, Ireland, Brazil, Japan, and all throughout the United States. These crystals are found in ancient lava and basalt flows; they grow in solidified cavities, called amygdules, vesicles, or geodes, which are formed by air bubbles when the rock was still a liquid and they grow in Tetragonal shapes.

Types Of Apophyllite

There are a few different types of Apophyllite, but the most common one is white or clear Apophyllite (Hydroxyapophyllite). However, it can also be found in muted shades of green (Fluorapophyllite), as well as yellows, reds, browns, and pinks (Natroapophyllite), with red being the rarest. Each of them has a slightly different energy, but in this article, we’re going to focus on the most common white variety.

History Of Apophyllite Crystals

Apophyllite was first discovered in 1806 by R.J. Hauy and was named after the Greek word for leaf because of its unique tendency to crumble when it gets heated. It has since been used for decorative and spiritual purposes and is considered a semi-precious gemstone today.

Apophyllite Crystal Meaning

Apophyllite is a powerhouse for all things spiritual, psychic, and divine. It activates the crown and third eye chakras, the element of Air, which represents life and the holy spirit, and the planet Mercury, which represents communication and mentality in astrology, as well as the zodiac sign Gemini (21st May-21st June). Apophyllite Elements, Chakra, Planet, Color

Healing Properties Of Apophyllite

Let’s take a look at the benefits of this beautiful crystal.

Apophyllite & Chakra Activation

As mentioned above, Apophyllite aligns and activates the third eye and crown chakras. The third eye chakra, also known as the Anja, is the sixth chakra in the body, located in between the eyebrows. It governs our spiritual sensitivity and intuition, as well as our psychic abilities, imagination, and focus, as well as our mental health. The crown chakra, also known as the Sahasrara, is the seventh and final chakra in the body, located at the top of the head. It is responsible for our connection to the spiritual world, allowing us to communicate with the divine realm and receive better spiritual guidance, as well as our mental clarity and the health of the physical brain. Blockages in both of these chakras typically come from ignoring our spiritual side and denying the existence of the non-physical world. This can cause closed-mindedness, confusion, fear of the unknown, difficulty concentrating, self-reflecting, dreaming, and using our imaginations, as well as an overall lack of inspiration and joy in daily life, and of course, a lack of spiritual insight or connection. Physically, symptoms can include migraines, sinusitis, seizures, issues with vision, and sciatica, as well as poor coordination, a tendency to oversleep, chronic tension headaches, and fatigue.

Apophyllite & The Physical Body

In addition to its incredible spiritual superpowers, this stone can also help with physical healing. Apophyllite detoxifies the body, especially from chemical pollution, boosts energy levels, and helps to alleviate chronic fatigue syndrome. It can also help your body to heal itself from degenerative diseases and diseases of the tissues, as well as breathing problems like asthma and allergies, promoting regeneration of the mucus membranes and skin.

Apophyllite & Wellbeing

Apophyllite works to relieve us of suppressed feelings, old emotional baggage, and negative thought patterns to make more room for positive change. It blocks out bad thoughts and habits and improves mental clarity and focus, as well as memory and organizational skills. It also relieves stress, feelings of fear, and anxiety, and helps you to prioritize in your daily life.

Apophyllite & Spirituality

Spiritually, Apophyllite is a powerful cleanser of negative energy, most likely because it has high water content, and water is the element of purification. It also balances masculine and feminine energies and will naturally align you with your higher purpose in this life on Earth. That said, Apophyllite is best known for facilitating the elevation of consciousness when it comes to your spiritual practices and rituals. It is said to be a highly potent stone for meditation, manifestation, spell-casting, astral travel, connecting with angels, clairvoyance, psychic powers and visions, mediumship, and more.

Apophyllite & Relationships

Because of its ability to purge emotional baggage and improve mental clarity, this is an excellent stone to help you see exactly who shouldn’t be in your life. If you’ve been going back and forth about cutting someone out, this stone will help you to make a decision. It will also help you to realize and appreciate the people in your life who you are meant to know, as well as seek out new connections with the right people by improving your intuition.

Apophyllite & Success

Due to its ability to sharpen your intuition and put you in touch with your Earthly purpose, Apophyllite is an excellent stone for success. It will help you to realize what you truly want to do in life, stay focused, and manifest opportunities that will lead to success. As it activates the third eye chakra, it can also help you to come up with original ideas for business and creative projects.

Apophyllite & Home Or Work

Keeping your Apophyllite stone around your home will raise the energy around you and keep things positive and dispel bad thoughts in everybody in the home, nurturing an environment of peace and inviting angelic-like protection over the space. You can also keep it at your workplace for more focus and clarity while working, as well as more harmonious and productive work relationships.

Apophyllite & Gemini

As mentioned above, Apophyllite resonates with the zodiac sign of Gemini. Represented by twins, the Gemini is famous for its inherent duality. Although Agate is the official birthstone of Gemini, Apophyllite makes a great alternative because it helps to ground and balance their dual energies.

Can You Use Apophyllite With Water?

A lot of people like to use water to enhance their work with crystals, but not every gemstone can be used with the element – but what about Apophyllite? Whether or not it can be used with water depends on how it scores on the Mohs Hardness scale; this is the definitive scientific scale that ranks the hardness of minerals out of ten by testing its resistance against others. Anything that scores below a five on the scale is generally safe to be used with water, and this notoriously delicate stone scores a 4.5-5, so we wouldn’t recommend getting it wet for any significant length of time, as it may crumble or dissolve.

How To Use Apophyllite Stones

Here is how you can incorporate Apophyllite into your daily life.

Apophyllite & Meditation

As mentioned above, Apophyllite is the perfect stone for meditation, whether you are just starting you’re a seasoned regular who wants to take your consciousness deeper. You can use it to activate your top two chakras by holding the stone and focusing your energies; it may help to incorporate mudras, sound baths, and mantas, or visualize them opening as a white or purple light (crown) or indigo light (third eye).

Apophyllite & Other Spiritual Practices

Alternatively, you can set your intention and focus your energy on activating other spiritual gifts, such as clairvoyance or mediumship, as discussed above. You can also hold the stone when you practice manifestation and spell-casting techniques to attract romance, success, or whatever you are trying to achieve!

Apophyllite & Astral Travel & Dream Work

If you’re interested in astral travel or dream work, such as recall or lucid dreaming, keep your piece of Apophyllite next to your bed or under your pillow for deeper relaxation, and more vivid dreams, and help to enter the astral plane.

Apophyllite & Reiki

Apophyllite is also regarded as one of the best stones for Reiki healing. Reiki is an ancient form of Japanese energy healing which involves channeling life-force energy through the hands on the body. Incorporating this gem in your Reiki sessions by wearing it, placing it on the body, or keeping it close by will help to take you or your client into a deeper state of relaxation and make them more receptive to the healing.

Wearing Apophyllite Jewelry

Wearing this stone is a great choice for those who want to utilize its healing properties to the max. Keeping it so close to your body will naturally support better physical health and help you to release emotional baggage and break free from bad thought patterns, as well as unblocking the top two chakras. You can also carry it around with you if you don’t want to wear it.

Apophyllite At Home Or Work

Keep your Apopyllite somewhere central or important in your home or workplace, such as your bedside table, living area, office, or work desk.

Taking Care Of Your Apophyllite Stone

Apophyllite is such a potent stone, you must cleanse it of any negative energy it has absorbed at least once a month and charge it back up with good energy to keep it working properly. There are a few ways in which you can cleanse your crystal, but the easiest and most effective way is using the light of the full moon; you can either place it outside in your backyard or on a window sill in your home to give it a deep spiritual cleanse. If you want to clean it in between full moons, you can also smudge it with sage or another purifying herb or place it on a crystal-cleansing plate. To recharge your gem with good energy, place it in the sunlight for a few hours. However, the color can fade out of Apophyllite stones when they’re exposed to sunlight, so if you have a colored variety, only put it in the sun for short periods or longer if you don’t mind the color fading. Bare in mind that if the color does fade, it won’t affect the metaphysical properties of the stone. If you don’t want to put it in the sun, place it on or under Earth for a day, but be sure to do it on a dry day so you don’t damage the stone.

Alternative & Complimentary Crystals

If Apophyllite isn’t for you, alternative stones with similar energy include Selenite, Celestite, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, and Moldavite. These crystals are all known for their ability to connect with the top two chakras and facilitate better spiritual connection. Crystals that work well with Apophyllite include Blue Lace Agate, Citrine, Carnelian, Black Tourmaline, and Rose Quartz. They all share the gentle but powerful healing energy of the Apophyllite crystal but direct it toward different parts of the energy system for the total balance. Of course, you could always pair it with other types of Apophyllites, too. The green stones are known to resonate with the heart chakra the most, whilst the other type is known to align the lower chakras; the root, sacral, and solar plexus.

Does Apophyllite Have Any Negative Effects?

Apophyllite is completely safe to use; it is not toxic or harmful to humans in any way. However, if you use it to activate or further your spiritual awakening, you may experience some strange or uncomfortable symptoms. This can include a heightened sense of empathy and intuition, vivid or scary dreams, headaches, and feelings of detachment from your body, as well as your emotions, other people, or even your surroundings. You may also have spiritual or paranormal experiences, issues with your digestive system, feelings of loneliness or isolation, deja vu, brain fog, fatigue, or trouble sleeping. It’s not uncommon to experience changes in life circumstances and relationships, too. All of that said, try not to worry or be afraid. This is simply your body and mind adjusting to your new level of awareness, and they will soon settle down. However, you should take a break from your spiritual practices if you find them too overwhelming.

How To Identify Apophyllite?

You can buy Apophyllite at many crystal shops and stores, as well as from independent sellers online. It’s not particularly valuable or expensive, but you’ll need to make sure it’s the real deal, as it is commonly mistaken for Clear Quartz. The first thing that you need to look at is its shape. Apophyllite is a unique shape, resembling pyramid-like prisms stacked on top of and around each other. It’s also a lot softer than Quartz, which should be noticeable from holding it. A colored Apophyllite crystal cluster should be fairly muted or dark and not bright or vibrant, and of course, if it has air bubbles, it’s fake.

How Fragile Is Apophyllite?

As mentioned above, Apophyllite is a soft stone. Most people can break it with their hands, so if you get a piece of Apophyllite, you need to be a little more careful with it than most of your other crystals. If you need to clean it, you should use a clean, gentle brush and try to avoid water and certainly no chemical soaps. You also should not expose it to any significant heat as it is extremely heat sensitive and can completely change shape when heated.

Final Thoughts

A piece of Apophyllite is a must-have for any crystal collector or anyone who uses gemstones to further their spiritual development. With its beautiful unique shape and divine metaphysical properties, we cannot recommend it highly enough for anybody who is starting their spiritual journey or looking to elevate their consciousness a mile higher. A
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