01 Jul Indigo Aura And Its Meaning
Indigo aura is one of the rarer aura colors; a real gift, they signify true empathic abilities. Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about indigo energy.
In This Article
What Is An Indigo Aura?
Auras are the colorful energy fields that surround every living thing; from people to animals, and even plants. They reflect our innermost energies, which mostly hail from our chakras.
There are seven chakras; the root, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat chakra, the third eye, and the crown – and each of them has different colored energy. Whichever one is most aligned and active will reflect in your aura color, and indigo is the color of the third eye.
Indigo Aura Color Meaning
Let’s take a closer look at the indigo aura meaning.
Indigo Aura & The Third Eye Chakra
Indigo is representative of the third eye chakra, which is responsible for spiritual gifts and intuition. An indigo-colored aura suggests an emotionally sensitive and empathic person who is spiritually aware and may even have some psychic abilities.
Indigo Aura & Health
Indigo auras are physically associated with cerebral health. These people have very healthy brains, stable mental health, and a big capacity to learn.
Indigo Aura & Personality
People with indigo auras are wise, kind, and communicative. They are known to absorb the thoughts and feelings of others very easily thanks to their empathic and intuitive nature, which is a beautiful gift – but it also requires a lot of self-care to make sure they don’t become drained or overwhelmed.
Indigo Aura & Mood
Mood-wise, having indigo in you’re aura can mean that you’re empathizing with somebody, the degree of which depends on the particular shades of indigo in your aura.
Indigo Aura & Spirituality
As mentioned above, indigo energy is one of the most spiritually aware energies in existence. You may have heard the term “indigo children”, who are people with indigo energy that are thought to possess truly unique psychic abilities.
Indigo Aura & Relationships
In relationships, indigo aura people have a tendency of sacrificing their own needs for their friends or partners. They can be “fixers” and get lost in helping others, so if you have an indigo aura, it’s important to recognize your gifts and make time for them but to also make time for yourself.
That said, relationships with indigo people are truly fulfilling, as they don’t do meaningless flings. They crave significant connection and will only keep their relationships and friendships alive if they truly mean something to them. If you know someone with an indigo aura – they will never let you down!
Indigo Aura & Success
If indigo is significant in your aura, you will probably be attracted to roles where you can help others and work with them one-on-one. Because they’re such great communicators and empaths, they make great counselors and therapists and also tend to enjoy working with children, animals, and vulnerable people.
Variations Of The Indigo Aura
Let’s take a look at some of the different indigo color shades and what they mean.
Light Indigo Aura
A light or clear indigo aura means that your intuition is strong enough that you can easily see and read the thoughts, feelings, and intentions of others, but you are able to do so without absorbing too much of it into your own energy.
Bright Indigo Aura
A bright or true indigo aura means that your third eye chakra is well and truly open and aligned. You have an instinctive inner knowing that allows you to find your purpose with ease and understand others without trying. You may also have psychic abilities that allow you to communicate with the other side.
Dark Indigo Aura
Having a dark or muddy indigo aura may mean that you have absorbed too much negative energy from your environment or the people around you. You need to work on setting boundaries and removing yourself when you feel overwhelmed.
Indigo In Different Parts Of The Aura
Whilst auras are mostly dominated by one color, they can display different colors in different parts of it. If the part of the aura above your head is an indigo color, it means that you are currently working on increasing your spiritual awareness and empathy toward others. You may be doing lots of meditation, prayer, or crystal healing.
Indigo energy on your left side suggests you are starting to or about to receive more spiritual awareness, whilst the color on the right-hand side of your aura indicates that you are already very in-tune and other people can feel this about you – you may find that others come to you to vent their emotions and seek advice on important topics and that animals and small children feel safe around you.
Challenges With Indigo Auras
As mentioned above, it is easy for an indigo person to absorb the energy of others and become overwhelmed and drained easily. They can also suffer from anxiety and lose sight of their own ambitions whilst helping others, as they feel a duty to help the people they care about.
In order to stay focused on yourself and protect your energy, it’s essential for indigo people to set boundaries, make time for themselves, and practice lots of self-care, especially spiritually, through meditation and cleansing rituals.
Indigo Aura Compatibility
Every aura color has certain colors that they are more compatible with, and people with indigo auras are most compatible with those who have blue, yellow, purple, and white energy.
Yellow is the color of the solar plexus, which deals in joy, self-esteem, and purpose, which motivates indigo energy and does not drain or compete with it, whilst blue energy is honest and communicative, which meshes well with the indigo aura personality, and people with purple and white auras are also psychic and empathic and are the most similar to indigo energy.
Does An iIndigo Aura Mean That You’re Psychic?
Everybody has the ability to access some level of psychic abilities with dedication. However, if you have an indigo aura, it means you have opened, or are at least working on opening your third eye, which will put you in touch with your natural abilities.
How Do You Attract Indigo Aura People?
People with purple auras are desirable people to have in your life, so if you want to befriend an indigo person, you’re going to want to be as open as possible. They like vulnerability and they can read people like a book, so gameplaying is a surefire way to turn them off of you.
Whilst they love a good deep chat, getting to know each other in a peaceful environment is key. You don’t want to drain or overwhelm them, so pace your relationship and be a positive influence.
How Can I Get An Indigo Aura?
A lot of people want to have indigo auras. They’re super special and unique! So if you want an indigo aura, you’re going to need to work on balancing and opening your third eye.
This chakra can become blocked or misaligned when we ignore or deny our spiritual selves, causing difficulty concentrating and using the imagination, as well as hindering spiritual insight and connection, causing a fear of the unknown and an overall lack of enjoyment in life.
The most important thing that you can do to fix it is to meditate. During your meditation, focus on the space in between your eyebrows and visualize your third eye opening. Healing crystals that can help you activate this chakra include amethyst, celestite, and moldavite.
Caring For An Indigo Aura
As mentioned above, indigo auras are susceptible to soaking up bad energy and leaving you feeling tired and burnt out. You should meditate regularly to keep your vibration high and your aura clear. There are specific aura-cleansing meditations and rituals you can do if you feel like you’ve absorbed some negativity, such as aura combing. Water, sacred herbs, essential oils, and cleansing crystals are also great tools to help with this.
In Conclusion
Indigo auras are one of the most beautiful, mysterious, and magical auras in the world. If you’re an indigo aura person, you will be the envy of many, as this means you have great psychic talent or potential, and your third eye is well-aligned and open.
To maintain this wonderful gift, prioritize yourself and your spiritual health, limit your exposure to negative energy as much as you can, follow your path, set boundaries with others, and engage in spiritual practices that make you feel in tune.
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