06 Dec 7 Best Calming Crystals For You
Since the beginning of time, crystals have been used for healing purposes and to bring comfort. With people’s stress levels at an all-time high these days, it is important to find resources that will bring calm back into our life. Calming crystals are a great way to introduce calmness and bring some peace into your life.
Depending on what type of crystal you want to use, these calming crystals can absorb and refocus energy in your body. For quick relief, you should place the calming crystal in direct contact with your body during crystal healing sessions. Choosing the right crystal depends on what calming stone you want to use and which one speaks to you the most.
Here are some of the best 7 calming crystals that can help you recharge:
One of the best crystals for calming is Celestite, which has an inherent calming energy that can help emotional stability and will help you with clearing your mind. Celestite is a great tool to help against anxiety and depression. This gemstone is a perfect calming stone to place in your bedroom because it emits a harmonious vibe that can promote proper rest.
If you are feeling overwhelmed and confused with the situations that are happening around you, Celestite can help clear the unnecessary and negative thoughts and will help you in relieving stress and achieving a clearer headspace.
Celestite can also help you let go of your fears and release whatever it is that is holding you back. The soothing energy that emanates from this gem will bring about calm and serenity as well as self-confidence.
Amethyst is a purple gem that is known as a calming stone and one of the best healing crystals. It is one of the best crystals that can promote clarity and relaxation. The Amethyst can also help you with getting rid of negative energy and general irritability that stems from stress.
This popular calming stone can also help counter bad dreams and promote restful sleep, especially for people who are suffering from insomnia. With its beautiful purplish hue, the Amethyst can be a great way to calm nerves and lessen the stress and anxiety that you might be feeling especially if you have panic attacks.
This purple crystal is also known as the intuitive eye which, if placed in the third eye chakra can send peace and harmony straight to the user. Not only will this gemstone give you a sense of calm but it will also give you the clarity and serenity needed in navigating confusing situations.
Rose Quartz
Considered as one of the prettiest calming crystals, Rose Quartz is considered a gemstone for self-love and unconditional love. When you are needing some help with self-care, this gemstone is a great tool that will help you. Rose Quartz is considered a stone for love which can primarily be concerned with relationships but it also promotes compassion and love for self.
Howlite is one of the common calming stones that you can use. This white gemstone symbolizes purity and will help the user achieve stability and inner peace throughout their healing journey. You can also use this gemstone to increase your patience. Howlite can also make you reach a higher sense of spirituality which will help you with your overall wellness.
This calming stone will also help you keep your emotions in check which will, in turn, create a calming aura as you go about everyday life. Meditation is a great way to combat stress and anxiety and this gemstone will help in calming your mind and getting rid of worries and negative thoughts, which will achieve a higher meditative state.
With this calming crystal that promotes ultimate relaxation, you will be able to let go of any relationships and thoughts that are unhealthy. It will help you get rid of any negative thoughts that might be playing in your mind and interfering with your serenity.
Black Tourmaline
This calming stone is the lesser-known of all the calming stones that are mentioned before it, but this doesn’t mean that it’s unable to perform up to par with the other stones. Generally known as a protection stone, Black Tourmaline will help you create barriers between your mental well-being and the negative and toxic situations that might affect it.
This barrier is important because it will enable you to take a step back, assess the situation clearly, and make informed decisions about what it is that you want to do. Having a calm mind will enable you to generate thoughts that are more positive and clear.
When it comes to maintaining balance and clarity, Fluorite is a popular crystal when you are seeking to find clarity and mental balance. Just like the Blue Lace Agate, this purple and bluestone are very helpful in replacing negative thoughts with a clearer and more positive mindset.
If you feel like your mind is racing and you can’t get a clear mindset or have problems concentrating, holding Flourite as you take a few deep breaths will help you navigate through a sea of chaos. Having a clear mind is important in situations like this because you need to get to the cause of the problem and you can’t do that if your thoughts are jumbled and murky. ‘
With a name like Angelite, you will rest assured that this gemstone will act as your guardian angel and will be with you every step of the way. The best thing about Angelite is that it will show you that you are not alone in this world. This calming gemstone will enable you to relieve stress, anger, and any animosity that you might feel towards specific people, relationships, or situations.
With so many options when it comes to calming stones, sometimes choosing one above another is not an easy task. If this is your situation and you feel like using a combination of two or three stones might work best for you, then you should do this. There is no written rule or law about this when you are using gemstones. You have to do what you feel is the best situation for you.
With all these options, having a calm and centered mind can be achieved in no time.
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