05 Jul 11 Auras And Their Meanings
Auras are the spiritual energy fields that surround our physical bodies. Everybody’s aura is a different color, and every color has a different meaning. Let’s take a look at what they are!
What Are Auras?
Auras are said to surround all living things. They are the electromagnetic field that is being projected from our energetic system, which revolves around our chakras; the root (grounding), the sacral chakra (sensuality), the solar plexus (purpose & self-esteem), the heart (love), the throat (creativity & communication), the third eye (intuition), and the crown (connection to spirit).
Our auras are affected by our inner qualities and moods – and different colors are associated with different things. It can have layers or be a combination of colors, but they are typically dominated by one color, which reflects particular personality traits, a dominant chakra, or a strong emotion.
Understanding Auras
Before we look at the meaning of different aura colors, let’s explore the different parts and layers of the aura. The left side of your aura represents the energy coming into you from the passive or feminine side of your body. It indicates future energy that you are attracting or cultivating; this is what we are currently working on experiencing internally, or how we view ourselves and our lives.

The right side of your aura represents the energy that is leaving you; the masculine or expressive side of your body. It indicates energy from the past that has passed through you and is now being released. It can also be viewed as how others perceive you, and it can also connote physical changes and memories.
Your aura above your head represents your consciousness in the present moment; your current thoughts and feelings, as well as your goals and aspirations. Those that expand outwards can indicate expressiveness, extroversion, optimism, or desire, whilst those that are close can represent focus, peace, sensitivity, and solitude.
Below the head represents our communication system and often only lights up in times of expressiveness, while the center of our auras around our chest indicates the energy coming from our hearts.
There are also said to be seven layers to the aura; the causal, the celestial, the etheric, the astral, the mental, the emotional, and the physical.
How To See Auras
Now we know what they are – but how can we see them? If you can someone’s aura, it will tell you a lot about them and their true self or mood. Seeing auras can be a natural gift, but you can also teach yourself how to see them – including your own!
The most popular method of seeing aura colors is to fix your gaze upon the subject you’re trying to read and allow your eyes to unfocus, revealing the color. Many people simply get a feel for an aura, rather than actually seeing them. You can do this by relaxing and clearing your mind, entering a meditative state, and focusing on someone’s energy until a color enters your mind.
Aura Colors And Their Meanings
Let’s take a look at 11 of the most popular aura colors and their meanings.
1. Red Aura
Red is an intense color that can have a few different meanings. Personality-wise, it can indicate a high-energy, fiery, strong-minded individual, and mood-wise, it can suggest a number of emotions. Red is associated with passion, lust, and love, but it is also associated with aggression, anger, exhaustion, confrontation, and danger.
Which side of the spectrum the person’s aura falls on may depend on the shade of red you can see; darker and murkier shades are often negative, whilst lighter and brighter shades tend to be positive. Alternatively, it can connote manifestation. Seeing a red aura can mean that the person is in the midst of manifesting something.
Red is also associated with the root chakra; which can represent our connection to the physical world and nature, as well as creativity, enthusiasm, courage, power, energy, vitality, and willpower.
2. Orange Aura
Orange aura color is very often related to the sacral chakra, which deals in creativity, adventure, and sexual energy. A vibrant orange aura typically indicates good sexual health and adventurousness, as well as good relationships and friendships, plus richness in creativity and creative endeavors. A dull or dark orange aura, however, could indicate that you have trouble with your relationships.
3. Yellow Aura
Yellow is known to be a cheerful color, and it’s no exception when it comes to your aura. A yellow aura signifies a sunny disposition; optimism, joy, confidence, and charisma – people with yellow auras tend to attract lots of different people and be on the path to fulfillment if they’re not fulfilled already!
This is because yellow is the color of the solar plexus chakra, which deals with life purpose, self-esteem, and joy. Dark and murky shades of yellow, however, may mean that you are experiencing a bout of self-doubt, perhaps from perfectionism, or that you are operating too much from your ego.
4. Green Aura
Green is associated with the heart chakra which represents unconditional love; for yourself and for others, as well as empathy, compassion, healing, and forgiveness. People with green auras are some of the best people that you can hope to meet!
They tend to be great healers and bringers of peace. Green is also the color of nature, so you can expect people with the color green in their aura to be free-spirited nature lovers and lovers of animals; children and animals tend to be drawn to these people and they can usually communicate with them well.
Although these are all great qualities, people will green auras can have issues with boundaries. They are so open and willing to love and be loved that they can let people in their lives who they shouldn’t. So, if your aura is green, remember to love yourself first, protect your heart, and set firm boundaries!
If your aura is a dark or murky green color, it can also mean that you’re experiencing feelings of jealousy or envy.
5. Pink Aura
If there’s pink in your aura, especially light or baby pink, it suggests a gentle, feminine, and nurturing nature; a kind, caring, sensitive, and loving soul. Similar to a green aura, it also serves as a sign that your heart chakra is well-aligned and open.
People with pink auras tend to be creative people and hopelessly romantic, with a natural ability to draw people in and heal others. Again, people with pink auras can struggle with personal boundaries, so it’s essential to make this a priority if you have lots of pink in your aura!
6. Blue Aura
Blue is the color of the throat chakra, which represents communication, truth, creativity, and self-expression. If your throat chakra is fully aligned and strong, a bright or light blue may be your dominant aura color. A true blue aura color can also represent a bold, outspoken personality, while a pastel or baby blue aura reveals an easy-going personality or a peaceful, relaxed frame of mind.
7. Purple Aura
Purple auras are very talked-about in the spiritual community because they’re associated with the third eye chakra, which represents spiritual intuition and sensitivity. So, if you have purple in your aura, you may have some psychic abilities or intuition.
People with purple auras also tend to be very creative, original, and natural-born leaders. Their life purpose often involves big dreams and inspiring others, and they’re generally great fun to be around!
8. Indigo Aura
An indigo aura indicates an emotionally sensitive and empathic person. People with indigo auras are known to absorb the thoughts and feelings of others easily, which can be a beautiful gift – but it also requires a lot of self-care to make sure you don’t become drained or overwhelmed, which can actually manifest itself as a darker shade of indigo within the aura.
9. White Aura
White auras are a rarer aura color than most. As you might imagine, they have an angelic quality about them. People with white auras are known to be innocent, peaceful, non-judgmental, and compassionate. However, they have a tendency to be perfectionists and can become anxious if things are not perfect.
The color white is also linked to the soul and the crown chakra, which is what connects us to the spiritual world. So, if you have a white aura, you are most probably in touch with your spiritual gifts.
10. Black Aura
Black auras are indicative of fatigue, grief, and depression. If somebody’s physical body is exhausted or they are struggling with great emotional or spiritual distress, their aura may be black.
But don’t worry! Your aura color is not static – if you take some time to heal and balance your energy, it will restore to something lighter, brighter, and more colorful. That said, black can also suggest evil – so beware of strangers with black auras!
11. Rainbow Aura
So-called rainbow auras are those that display more than two colors. If you have multiple colors in your aura, it usually means that your mind, body, and soul are feeling very well-balanced and working in perfect harmony – hence why many of your chakras are being reflected. That said, it can also be a sign that you’re going through a big change in your life.
How To Cleanse Your Aura
Our auras are heavily impacted by our surroundings and the people in them. If you absorb too much negative energy it can result in a dull aura and a feeling of physical or emotional fatigue. If you’re feeling like this, you may want to think about cleansing your aura.
Good news! You can do it yourself at home at any time. Here are a few popular methods of aura cleansing.
Take a Cleansing Bath
Taking a cleansing bath is one of the most refreshing ways to cleanse your aura and jazz up an activity from your daily routine. You can do this by running your bath like usual and placing a few sprinkles of salt, a few drops of essential oils, and some sacred herbs in the tub to cleanse your aura.
Salt is an ancient spiritual cleanser that has been used to banish bad energy since the dawn of time. Essential oils such as Frankincense and sandalwood, and herbs like thyme and lavender are great purifiers of energy.
It may help you to meditate, chant, or visualize the negative energy leaving your body and imagine a white light enveloping you.
Another ancient cleansing practice is smudging, using dried white sage. To do this, light the bundle of sage and pass the smoke thoroughly over your body, envisioning all of the negativity leaving you and your home.
Meditation & Mantras
Something that everybody should know is that you have all of the power to cleanse yourself within yourself. Decide on some positive mantras that imply your energy is clear, and find somewhere safe and quiet to sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Once your mind is clear and quiet, repeat your affirmations or mantras until you feel it sinking in.
You can also use crystals to enhance your meditation and other practices, or on their own! Cleansing and purifying crystals include clear quartz and selenite. You can wear them, carry them around, sleep next to them, hold them whilst you meditate, or include them in your cleansing bath.
Walk in the Rain
One of the easiest ways to cleanse your aura is to go for a walk outside in the rain. When it is raining, go for a walk and allow yourself to soak up the rain entirely, whilst imagining it washing off all the negativity and leaving you light and bright. That said, avoid thunderstorms – as this can enhance negativity within the aura!
Go for a Swim
Similar to the above, going for a swim in a natural body of water such as a river or a lake, or even the ocean, allows mother nature to do the work for you and rid you and your aura of any negative energy.
Aura Combing
An interesting method of aura cleansing is aura combing. So-called aura combing is almost like reiki for the aura, and the best part is that anybody can do it. First, make sure your hands are clean by washing and drying them to get rid of any bad energy, then find a quiet place in your home to sit.
Close your eyes and enter a meditative state. Visualize your aura and imagine that you have the power of the universe in your hands, then use them to start combing through your aura. Start with the top of your head and work your way down to your feet. As you comb, visualize it getting cleansed of anything dark or negative, and becoming lighter and brighter with each touch. Wash your hands afterward to get rid of all of the negative energy – and voila!
Auras are a fascinating subject, and we highly recommend trying out the practices we have listed if you’re interested in seeing your own aura, reading other people’s, or cleansing your aura.
In a world where our auras mirror the energies around us, it’s crucial to acknowledge the impact of our surroundings on our well-being. When negativity dulls our aura, leaving us with physical and emotional fatigue, the remedy lies within our grasp. The good news is that you can rejuvenate your aura in the comfort of your own home, and it’s simpler than you might think.
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