Smoky Quartz: Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Smoky Quartz MEANING, USES, & Healing Properties

Smoky Quartz: Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Recognizable by their fog-like appearance, smoky quartz crystals ground us to the Earth, detoxify our bodies, and balance our minds. Connecting to the root chakra and the zodiac signs Scorpio, Capricorn, and Sagittarius, smoky quartz is excellent at helping us focus on calming our anxiety and seeing the positive side.



Coming in various colors, the smoky appearance inside these crystals represents the smoke blurring our minds. These dark and curious gemstones protect us, heal us, and remind us to focus on what’s important.

In This Article

Smoky Quartz Meaning

Smoky quartz is a gorgeous, mysterious crystal with roots in spirituality and mythology dating back thousands of years. Smoky Quartz is associated with pushing negative energy out and balancing the foundation of our chakra system.

Since it carries the colors and qualities of mud, clay, and ash, Smoky quartz reconnects its user to Mother Earth and all of nature. Smoky quartz helps you centralize your waking energy by avoiding distractions and negative thoughts. 

The “smoke” within these crystals is believed to be from the absorbed negative energy that clouds our heads. With the smoke now in the crystal instead of our minds, we can better process the world around us and focus on reality. 

Smoky quartz is among the ideal gemstones for pursuing your dreams. People use smoky quartz jewelry to guide them in pursuing their goals and ambitions, warding off negative energies as they go. 

Smoky quartz connects to the Scorpio, Capricorn, and Sagittarius zodiac signs. Of those three, smoky quartz is most connected to Scorpio, believed to be the darkest star sign. Smoky quartz crystals uncloud that darkness and negativity and are said to bring Scorpios out of the shadows. Smoky citrine quartz is useful for this.

Smoky Quartz Healing Properties

Smoky Quartz Physical Properties

A type of silicon dioxide crystalline quartz, smoky quartz is most similar to amethyst, clear quartz, and rose quartz. Chemically and structurally, smoky quartz is very similar to sand, but on a much larger scale.

Smoky quartz stones usually appear as a brownish-gray but are sometimes confused for black crystals. Other smoky quartz colors include yellowish-brown, dark brown, and reddish-brown. Smoky quartz falls at a 7 on the Mohs scale, a relatively strong stone, but not nearly as tough as other crystals like diamonds.

Smoky quartz usually has a “smoky” vitreous appearance inside them, giving the crystal its name. The smoky effect is the long-term result of gamma irradiation interacting with silicon dioxide. Some smoky quartz crystals have little to no free silicon and appear entirely transparent. 

Smoky quartz is categorized as a silicate mineral with a chemical formula of SiO2. When left in their natural form, smoky quartz crystals are usually trigonal- or hexagonal-shaped with a sharp prism head. Smoky quartz sometimes takes other crystalline shapes but has yet to be found in the acicular (needle-like) form.

Smoky quartz has been found all over the globe but is particularly common within pegmatites and pockets of igneous rocks. Smoky quartz formed in a high-temperature area tends to have a more even color throughout the crystal. Crystals in lower-temperature regions usually have different shades and hues throughout them. 

Extreme temperatures between 200 and 300 degrees Celcius (400 to 600 degrees Fahrenheit, approximately) may impact the silicon of the crystal. This temperature change causes the smoky quartz to lose its color and possibly its smoky appearance. UV lights are also known to have this impact. 

Smoky quartz is a generally safe crystal, except when broken. The broken edges of quartz crystals are incredibly sharp and dangerous. Exposure to powdered smoky quartz can also cause silicosis.

Smoky Quartz Healing Properties

Smoky quartz is best known for improving your mental health and stress. While other types of quartz like jasper and milk quartz are powerful gemstones, smoky quartz is believed to be one of the best at harnessing quartz stone’s inherent abilities.

These beautiful gemstones help release emotional negativity and focus on what’s most important. Since it connects to the root chakra, smoky quartz stones ground us to the Earth and may improve our overall well-being.

Emotional and Psychological Healing

Smoky quartz releases negative energy, emotional baggage, and tension. These stunning stones guide us in healing our wounds and grounding ourselves to the Earth. By helping us focus, smoky quartz can improve our social skills and our hassle.

Smoky quartz is known to detoxify our energy field, balance our vibrations, and incite a calming feeling. These crystallized gemstones are helpful for those struggling with anxiety, depression, and stress. Uses of smoky quartz as an emotional healer include meditation, placing crystals around the house, and wearing it as jewelry.

Physical Healing

Smoky quartz stones relieve negative energy in all parts of our body, not just our minds. Smoky quartz is said to be efficient at detoxifying our bodies. One method of using this property is to place the smoky quartz stone directly on your skin. Target any parts of your body that you feel need healing or loosening.

Smoky quartz may also help our bodies fight digestion issues. Using this smoky quartz healing property will depend on what digestive struggles you are experiencing. Place the smoky quartz on your stomach and move it along the digestive tract that needs detoxifying at least ten times. 

Smoky quartz gemstones are also said to help us loosen nerve pains, relieve headaches, protect us from radiation, improve our immune system, and more.

Chakra Healing

Smoky quartz crystals generally connect to the root chakra. Also called “Muladhara,” the root chakra is located near the base of your spine. The root chakra is customarily used for grounding, balancing energies, connecting with our surroundings, and frugality. The root is considered the foundation of the chakra system — you cannot heal your other chakras without healing your root chakra first. 

Smoky quartz stones help you balance, clear, focus on, and reactive your root chakra. To heal your root chakra using smoky quartz, place the crystal to the very bottom of your spine. Smoky quartz also connects to the solar plexus chakra, located just above the stomach.

Smoky Quartz Uses

Humans have been using smoky quartz for thousands of years, both as jewelry and as a means of keeping negative energies away. Smoky quartz is a crystal that can easily be worn, carried, and placed in the household. This unique gemstone also helps with meditation and falling asleep.

Historical Uses of Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz was revered in Celtic culture. In Celtic legends, Druids and other spiritual leaders used smoky quartz to create connections with powerful spirits in both the natural and spiritual realms. 

In Greek mythology, smoky quartz was used by Hecate, goddess of magic. Over the years, many cultures have placed smoky quartz outside doors and windows to keep negative energies from entering the home — a practice that some still use today.

In the 1300s, smoky quartz was used for sunglasses in China. The lenses were created by carefully crafted panes of thin smoky quartz. These sunglasses were very popular among judges, who would use the large, tinted lenses to hide their expressions and reactions during court.

In the 1700s, Cairngorm smoky quartz crystals (found exclusively in Scotland) became particularly popular in Scottish fashion. Following Queen Victoria’s visit to Deeside in 1848, the use of smoky quartz in European jewelry exploded. To this day, smoky quartz remains the national gem of Scotland.

Modern Uses of Smoky Quartz

Today, smoky quartz is most often used in jewelry, though it is sold individually as well. Smoky quartz is typically found in necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, and other piercings. Smoky quartz bracelets are often made with alternating stones carrying different colors. Smoky quartz with a reddish-brown color is popular for use in rings. 

Many people also use smoky quartz as a means of focus and manifestation. Many of those who carry smoky quartz around with them, or use smoky quartz as jewelry, use the crystal to help them focus during their day-to-day life. Smoky quartz eliminates the negative thoughts that distract you from achieving the things you want to achieve. 

By keeping smoky quartz by your side at all times, you should be able to work distraction-free and focus on what’s most important. Smoky quartz can also be used to break bad habits, forget someone who scarred you, divination, improve your self-esteem, and ward off unpleasant spirits.

Smoky quartz is one of the favorite crystals among gemstone collectors for manifesting dreams into reality, both through hard work and other means. Smoky quartz stones are among the gemstones that fall under the “be careful what you wish for” rule. Do be careful not to overuse this particular gemstone during manifestation.

For those who’d rather not wear smoky quartz as jewelry, there are other options for keeping this crystal nearby. One method is to keep the crystal near where you want to use it. This can be at your office desk, in your vehicle, by your bedside, or in your pocket. We recommend using a soft pouch or protective cloth if you plan to carry smoky quartz in your pocket. Always make sure that it doesn’t damage or get damaged by other items you have on hand.

When placing smoky quartz in the room with you, put it near a highly traveled area. By keeping the crystal near where numerous people walk, the negative energy will diffuse more evenly. Ensure the crystal is visible to reaffirm and remind you of its balancing energies. If you’re using smoky quartz to ground a household, the hallway, living room, and other central rooms are ideal spots to place the crystal. 

Smoky Quartz Features


Smoky quartz is very beneficial during meditation. Meditating with smoking quartz helps bring balance to your body, particularly to your lower body and the base of your spine. Smoky quartz meditation will help you connect to the Earth beneath you and to the physical world.

To best utilize this smoking quartz property, place a cleansed smoky quartz crystal near the bottom of your feet in whatever position you feel most comfortable meditating. If you’re using meditation to fall asleep, place the crystal at the bottom of the bed – be careful not to kick it off.

Smoky quartz is also useful for grounding techniques such as deep breathing, calming walks, yoga, and pep talks.

Smoky Quartz Variations

Smoky Quartz has numerous variations, ranging in color, opacity, shape, and rarity. Each variation of smoky quartz carries distinct meanings and characteristics. These differences are essential to know before choosing which smoky quartz stone is right for you. 


Morion is one of the most common varieties of smoky quartz found on Earth. Morion crystals carry a dark brown shade and can sometimes be found in black. Morion is said to help its user overcome trauma and release vast amounts of negative energy. One of the best crystals to have around the workplace, morion is often seen as a motivation-booster.

Morion was originally a German word for dark smoky quartz and has since spread to English, Danish, Spanish, and Polish. In German, the word “morion” stems from “mormorion,” a word coined by Pliny the Elder to describe a mysterious stone found only in India during the 1st century.

Morion is one of the most commonly confused gemstones. Black crystals and other dark stones are sometimes mislabelled as “morion,” both by mistake and to purposefully mislead buyers. Other dark gemstones with unique inclusions may have a smoky appearance inside, but this does not make them smoky quartz. 

Be careful when purchasing Morion crystals. Double-check the smoky appearance inside the stone to ensure it’s true smoky quartz.


Cairngorm crystals generally carry a smoky yellowish-brown coloration, though other varieties such as greyish-brown are common. The cairngorm gemstone is said to protect its user and keep hope alive through even the darkest of times. This meaning derives from its yellowish color, which is believed to represent sunlight.

Cairngorm smoky quartz gets its name from Scotland’s Cairngorm Mountains, where these rare gemstones are found. Because of their location, cairngorm crystals are often used in Scottish jewelry and clothing, including kilt pints, necklaces, and handles. Braemar Castle in Aberdeenshire is home to the world’s largest known cairngorm crystal, weighing approximately 49 pounds!

Smoky Amethyst Quartz

Smoky Amethyst Quartz combines the properties of smoky quartz with amethyst. Amethyst crystals are known for their purple color and their incredible healing properties. Smoky Amethyst Quartz crystals usually have a mixture of gray and purple colors within the “smoke,” giving them an ominously beautiful shade. These crystals are useful when balancing chakras.

Amethyst and smoky quartz make an interesting combination. Whereas smoky quartz notably grounds you to reality and away from the spiritual/metaphysical realm, amethyst crystals are known for opening your third eye and embracing the spiritual. Smoky Amethyst Quartz crystals supposedly connect you to both the physical and metaphysical world at once.

Smoky Citrine Quartz

Smoky Citrine Quartz crystals combine the properties of smoky quartz with citrine. Recognizable by their yellow coloration, citrine crystals bring about joy and positive energy. When combined with smoky quartz, these crystals help us release negative energy and rejuvenate ourselves with positive energy.

Smoky citrine quartz is useful when making life changes or going through a serious ordeal. These crystals help us move forward and leave our old habits behind, replacing them with new, fulfilling habits. Smoky citrine quartz is identifiable by its yellowish-orangish haze and is frequently used in jewelry.

Brandberg Smoky Quartz

Brandberg smoky quartz is a combination of smoky quartz, amethyst, and clear quartz. Nicknamed the “Master Healer,” clear quartz is known for helping its user heal and rebuild their life.

Made up of three healing stones, Brandberg’s smoky quartz is believed to be a very powerful gemstone. These crystals fully awaken our consciousness, both physically and metaphysically, to align us with the most important goals the world has set for us. 

Of all of the smoky quartz variations, Brandberg is thought to be the most spiritually in-tune. Considering that most other smoky quartz variations ground you to reality, Brandberg smoky quartz stands out. Brandberg smoky quartz is not recommended for those planning to use smoky quartz to ground themselves solely to the Earth.

Cleansing Smoky Quartz Crystals

Cleansing smoky quartz gemstones and crystals are important for maintaining their balancing properties. Smoky quartz is thought to absorb the negative energy we keep inside ourselves. These negative energies build up, so remember to cleanse your crystals regularly.

One of the best methods for cleansing a smoky quartz crystal is to place it underwater for at least four hours. We recommend placing the crystal in a naturally-made cup or bowl filled with natural spring water for the best effect. Submerging the smoky quartz crystal underwater helps purify the mineral and releases its pent-up energy into the water.

Sage sticks and other healing crystals like amethyst are also efficient means of healing your smoky quartz crystal. Make sure whatever cleansing crystal you use is significantly larger than the crystal you’re looking to cleanse. Use more than one crystal, if possible, to completely cover the smoky quartz for at least one full day.

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