29 Nov Mood Crystals: How to Use Crystals for Happiness
Think back to the last time you were in a bad mood. You might benefit from mood crystals.
If you are like most people, you were in a bad mood at some point in the past week or two. Bad moods are bound to arise simply because life is inherently challenging. What matters most is how you respond to your bad moods.
If the mood lingers and you allow it to get the best of you, the ensuing outburst or negative vibe will jeopardize your relationships as well as your personal happiness.
Instead of letting your emotions get the best of you, use healing crystals to combat those seemingly inevitable bad moods. Crystal healing has the potential to alter your mood, combat depression and make a net positive impact on your life.
Bad Mood? Try Healing Crystals
There is nothing wrong with being in a bad mood. Factors out of your control can bring about a bad mood surprisingly quickly. The healing energy of various crystals will absorb negative energy, and they will energize, stimulate and bring about a positive change in your life.
White crystals, for instance, possess healing properties that are thought to possess a spirit within that humans are capable of connecting to and possibly even communicating with. This is precisely why crystals are often used during mediation sessions.
Activate the power of a mood crystal during your next bad mood, give the stones some time to work their magic and you just might find you end up in a good mood.
Crystal Healing to Ward Off Negative Energy Has Ancient Roots
The use of crystal healing to enhance mood has been common dating back several centuries. In fact, the ancient Egyptians used a litany of crystals to protect, heal, guide, and achieve mental clarity.
Indian Ayurvedic medicine also relies on crystals to rectify imbalances both in terms of emotions and the body. Read through the history books, and you will find all sorts of crystals that have been used throughout time, spanning a litany of cultures.
It is clear there is the historical context and universal appeal for crystal use to improve mood and health.
Digging Deeper Into Crystals’ Impact on Mood
A crystal healer really does have the potential to change your mood. Use a white crystal to align your energy channels, and you will find those channels heal in unison. It will help enhance positive thinking and self-love.
This healing occurs on the vibrational level. As metaphysicists and spiritualists across the world agree, every physical body has its own nuanced vibrational frequency. This frequency is balanced that much better with the use of crystals.
Let’s take a look at some of the best crystals that help combat a bad mood.
Lithium Quartz
Though this crystal is somewhat rare, it is likely available through a crystal merchant on the web or in your community. This stone has soft vibrations that enhance joy, helping you feel calm, and feel unconditional love for yourself.
If you feel fearful, anxious, doubtful, or stressed, give lithium quartz a try. These crystals hold an abundance of properties that will promote harmony and balance, soothe you when you feel anxious, and ultimately help you obtain enjoyment from life.
Lepidolite creates a sense of calm. Those in need of a stone for relaxation should carry lepidolite with them at all times.
Give lepidolite a try and you will find it helps you remain positive even when a temporary bad mood arises. Whether you are dealing with tension, nervousness, or depression, lepidolite is worth considering.
Alternatively, if you are feeling happy and simply want to improve your quality of life all the more, you will also benefit from the use of crystals.
In particular, clear quartz has an elevated vibrational frequency that ultimately makes other crystals that much more impactful.
Use clear quartz to help set intentions, and it will help a stronger self-belief and bring your intention to life.
If You are Feeling Low, Try Selenite or Rose Quartz
Feelings of depression should be temporary as opposed to permanent. You can lift your mood with the use of selenite crystals.
Selenite has the high vibration you need to feel uplifted and avoid falling back into your depression. This great stone will help promote an enlightened state throughout the mind as well as the body.
Rose quartz is an essential crystal for individuals plagued by sadness and/or depression. Rose quartz is a comparably gentle crystal that promotes healing.
Be proactive when sadness lingers by carrying rose quartz or adding it to your workspace/home.
Keep this crystal around and you will find your gaze into its pink-rose hue, finding an invaluable sense of joy that transforms your mood.
It would make you feel that your life makes sense, and this will help create new beginnings.
Set the Right Tone Before Bedtime With Moonstone
Featuring a beautiful light blue hue along with some translucence, this unique stone is beloved for its beauty and also its lunar energy.
Put moonstone by your bed, ideally on the nightstand, and you just might feel that much more at peace prior to turning in for the night.
Look to the Bright Side With Celestite
The roots of the word “celestite” stem back to the Latin word caelestis, which indicates celestial qualities. This is a logical name for the celestite crystal as it has a peaceful blue hue that inspires onlookers to relax, and let their guard down.
Similar to a stunning daytime blue sky, this is a great stone for those who want to infuse peace and tranquility into a bedroom or other space used for rest and relaxation.
Add Energy With Bloodstone
If you find yourself dragging or feel as though a room in your home, business or other building is lacking in energy, add some bloodstone.
These crystals will change the space in question, providing motivation and the energy you need to achieve your goals.
This crystal is believed to give hope, encourage compassion, boost joy, relieve anxiety, achieve balance, fight off stress, and encourage self-love.
Turquoise is Your Connection to the Divine
Nothing combats a bad mood like a little divinity. Stone enthusiasts insist it is possible to tap into the divine with the use of turquoise.
Commonly referred to as the master healer of stones, these crystals work as an energetic link between your personal space and the divine. This eye-popping blue stone has been used going all the way back to ancient times as it has inherent protective components.
Some also insist turquoise stones bring about good fortune. So don’t let recent negative events shape your mood.
Add some positivity to your life and restore trust in yourself with the use of this turquoise crystal and you will find it really does help you transition to a positive mood.
Add Meaning With Rhodonite
Rhodonite is a stunning deep pink stone with either black or dark-hued inclusions. These crystals are revered for creating a loving energy. Some stone users also insist this crystal catalyzes self-expression. I
f you are stuck in a creative rut, feeling lazy or unsure of your direction, add some rhodonite to your personal space and it just might stimulate your mind and spirit.
The vibrational frequency of this unique crystal will help realign you with your self-worth, steering you in the right direction both professionally and personally.
Feeling Threatened? Use a Smokey Quartz
If you feel as though you are in trouble or have a sense of urgency that something dramatic will soon arise, you might be having a premonition. Some highly spiritual people have visions of the future before it occurs.
There is no shame in seeking protection if you feel even slightly threatened. Add smoky quartz to your home or workplace and you will greatly benefit form this protective crystal.
Smoky quartz is a healing crystal that guards against negative forces. Some even hold this crystal while meditating as it helps to eliminate thoughts, beliefs and negative spiritual energy that weighs people down.
The elimination of such negative and old energy creates the opportunity to infuse an influx of fresh, new and much more positive energy.
Compare the vibe of your indoor space before adding smoky quartz to the feeling after the addition of this stone and you will agree it makes a difference.
Ground With Shungite
When it comes to energetic grounding, shungite is the best stone around. This dark-hued stone is often completely black in color. The stone is comparably heavy, proving capable of calming the mind, quieting thoughts, and grounding the individual with the planet below. Shungite is commonly held while meditating as it helps to eliminate intrusive thoughts.
Black Tourmaline
Do you ever feel as though you need energetic protection in certain social settings? If you need such protection, add black tourmaline to your life. This stone combats negative energy, helping you avoid bad moods, remain positive and look forward to the good things. So stop dwelling on the negative. You will transform your mood and the vibe of your living space with the addition of this unique stone.
Add Optimism With Aventurine
Feelings of self-doubt are perfectly normal. You will feel that much more optimistic after adding aventurine to your life. Aventurine helps to open the heart in an energetic context. Hold this stone in your hand when you are in a bad mood or feel as though you are about to transition to a bad mood, breathe deeply and think positive thoughts. Aventurine will help soothe you, ultimately calming you down and helping you successfully transition out of your bad mood.
It is important to know how to use crystals for happiness because they can serve as powerful tools for personal well-being and spiritual growth. Crystals have been used for centuries in various cultures for their healing properties and their ability to enhance positive energy.
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