Blue Chalcedony – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Blue Chalcedony - Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Blue Chalcedony – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Blue chalcedony is a beautiful, mystical crystal that has multiple uses, benefits, and healing properties. Let’s take a look at what they are so that you can decide whether or not it is right for you.

In This Article

What is Chalcedony?

Chalcedony is a cryptocrystalline type of silica with a hexagonal crystal structure and superior hardness that is made up of very fine intergrowths of quartz and morganite. It has been utilized by humans across the globe in many ways from tool-making to spiritual practices for over 32,000 years.

The name chalcedony comes from the Latin word chalcēdōnius, which is likely derived from the name of the town Chalcedon in Asia Minor. There are several varieties of the stone, with the blue one being one of the rarest – and most valuable!

Also known as blue agate, it is primarily found in Turkey. It is known for its delicate sky-blue color and was considered a sacred stone by many ancient civilizations throughout history, including the Native American Indians, who were known to use it on a daily basis to enhance spiritual rituals.

Nowadays, it’s the official state gemstone of Nebraska, and it’s still regarded as a very powerful stone of the quartz family in spiritual circles.

Meanings of Blue Chalcedony

The blue chalcedony stone is known as the “speaker’s stone” because it is best known for boosting communication skills. It is a nurturing stone that is linked to the third or throat chakra, which is associated with confidence, creativity, self-expression, truth, and of course, communication.

This gem is also associated with the element of water, which is linked to emotion, intuition, clarity, purification, and protection.

Healing Properties of Blue Chalcedony

It is a nurturing stone with healing energies that can align and heal the mind, the body, and the soul – and in particular, the throat chakra. A blocked or unbalanced third chakra can lead to low-self esteem, social anxiety, a crisis in identity, creative block, and problems with communication.

Issues with this chakra often stem from emotional trauma, but can also be influenced by your diet and physical health. You can heal it in a number of ways, including yoga, reiki, meditation, and healing crystals, and these stones are one of the best ones for this chakra.

Blue Chalcedony Benefits, Blue Chalcedony Healing Properties

Chakra healing

As mentioned above, this type of chalcedony is one of the best healing crystals for the throat chakra. It’s renowned for giving those who use it clarity in their communicative skills; listening to others, expressing yourself clearly, and having the confidence to say what you really think.

Healing this chakra can also help to increase your mental flexibility, stimulate creative ideas, assist you in finishing creative projects, and boost your overall sense of self and self-confidence.

Emotional healing

It can help to heal emotional wounds that are associated with the throat chakra. These usually stem from situations in which you feel silenced, unseen, or unheard, and they are often associated with abusive relationships and childhood bullying.

People who suffer from low self-esteem or social anxiety as a result of being made to feel smaller than they are in the past can benefit greatly from the healing powers of this crystal.

Physical healing

These stones can also benefit you physically. Physical symptoms of a blocked throat chakra include acid reflux, mouth ulcers, digestive issues, and voice hoarseness. Healing the throat chakra can do wonders for this part of the body, and if you have a medical condition that affects your mouth, neck, or throat, blue chalcedony also can be used to supplement your recovery.

Spiritual healing

The blue-colored chalcedony has numerous spiritual benefits; it absorbs and dissipates negative energies from your surroundings and stimulates overall alignment with the body, mind, and soul. It also enhances your spiritual intuition and instills feelings of stability, balance, and peace, as well as benevolence and generosity.

It is a great stone for people starting out on their spiritual journey, and also those looking to cleanse their space of negative spirits and energies.

Benefits of Blue Chalcedony

Let’s take a look at how you can apply the stone’s healing properties to specific areas of your life:


As well as healing the physical symptoms of a blocked throat chakra and aiding the recovery of health problems around the throat area, these stones can also be used to prevent such problems, maintain vocal health, and promote the healthy flow of fluids in the body.

It is even said to help with the effects of weather sensitivity, seasonal allergies, and dementia, as well as reduce swelling and aid the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders, bipolar disorder, Tourette’s syndrome, and soothe autism.


As discussed, blue chalcedony is ideal for stimulating creative ideas, so if you’re looking to achieve career success within a creative field – it will be a great stone for you, but even if you don’t work in a creative field, it can still help you to achieve greatness.

Working with this crystal will open your mind to new ideas that take your business or work-life in a new direction, generate more money, or even help you to create a business from scratch.

It will also give you the self-belief to do so, erasing any self-doubt and increasing clarity and focus, all whilst promoting a peaceful working environment that runs smoothly to help you reach your goals even faster.


The stone is a great crystal for supporting personal relationships; whether they’re familial, friendships, or romantic relationships. It can improve communication between you and the people in your life, eradicate conflict, and promote honesty and harmonious relationships.

At home

Your home is a great place to keep your blue chalcedony, as it fosters a peaceful, nurturing environment – perfect for households where there is a lot of tension or friction. It may also be beneficial to use at home if you work from home or work on personal projects at home.

Blue Chalcedony Features, Blue Chalcedony Image

How to Use Blue Chalcedony

Depending on why you want to use it, there are several ways in which you can use this crystal to take full advantage of its powers.

Wear it

First of all, you can wear it! Keeping your body in constant contact with the healing powers of the crystal by wearing a piece of jewelry containing blue chalcedony stones is a great way to use it – especially for those of you who want to use it for physical, emotional, and chakra healing. Of course, a necklace would be best, but wearing it anywhere on the body is great!

Carry it

If you aren’t a jewelry wearer, you could try carrying it around in your pocket. Although the connection will be stronger if it’s touching your skin, simply having it close to you is enough to feel its benefits.

Meditate with it

You can also meditate whilst holding your chalcedony, or while placing it at the base of your neck. Being in the meditative state will allow the healing powers of the stone to connect with your third chakra more deeply and heal you even faster.

Meditating with the stone is also the best way to use it to boost certain personality traits, like confidence and creativity. Alternatively, you can say healing or boosting affirmations whilst holding the stone to enhance the power of them.

Keep it close

Placing the stone somewhere significant in your home, such as in your bedroom or in the room that you socialize in most, will allow its metaphysical properties to fill your home, creating a serene, positive atmosphere.

Sleep next to it

Another great way to harness the stone’s powers is to sleep next to it. When you sleep, your subconscious mind and higher self open up, so sleeping next to your blue chalcedony stone will allow its healing properties to get to work on you faster.

Use it with water

A great way that you can use the crystal is with water. This isn’t possible with every crystal, because some of them can disintegrate when they’re placed in water, but with these stones, it can actually increase their power.

As they are associated with the element of water, putting it in your bath or drinking a glass of water that has had the stone in it overnight is a great way to absorb its beneficial qualities.

Cleansing & Charging Blue Chalcedony

If you are familiar with crystal healing, you undoubtedly know that cleansing and charging your crystals is essential. It allows you to get rid of any unwanted energy absorbed by them and recharge them with fresh, positive energy, but every crystal is different and benefits from different methods of cleansing and charging.

In order to use these crystals to the best of their ability, you must be sure to cleanse and charge them once a month.


The tried and tested methods of crystal cleansing are effective with this crystal, but they can be enhanced. Leaving it in the moonlight on a full moon, smudging it with a sage stick, and sitting it next to a cleansing crystal all work great.

However, using water is even better for these crystals, because they’re a water element stone. So, instead of leaving them under the moonlight, try leaving them submerged in a bowl of water under the moonlight, putting them outside in the rain, or simply bathing them in warm water for an even more powerful cleanse.


Placing your crystals in the sunlight is universally accepted as the best way to charge them. However, leaving these stones out in the sun whilst submerged in water will super-charge them and leave them buzzing with even more energy.

Burying crystals in the Earth for 24 hours is also good for charging them, but doing it on a rainy day is even better for these chalcedony stones.

Who should use blue chalcedony?

Anybody can benefit from the healing energies of blue chalcedony. However, it is highly recommended for public speakers, singers, actors, and anybody who uses their voice in front of an audience. It’s also great for anybody with a creative profession, such as writers, artists, and designers, or a profession that involves speaking to others over the phone or face to face.

That said, it can be beneficial for anyone who wants to heal their throat chakra or their physical throat, and anybody who needs help with their confidence, social anxiety, communication skills, or removing creative blockages.

Are there any negative effects?

There are no negative effects of using these crystals. Some people can feel thrown off-kilter by using certain crystals because they have absorbed too much negative energy, but these gems does not carry negativity; it dissipates it.

That said, people can have adverse reactions to crystals for other reasons, the main theory as to why is that something in their energies just disagree with one another. However, it is very uncommon, and if you feel drawn to a crystal, it is extremely unlikely to affect you negatively.

Where can I buy one?

If you’re interested in buying one of these gems, we recommend sticking to reputable websites. It is a relatively rare and expensive stone, so of course, there are fakes on the market. In order to avoid them, it’s best to buy from sellers with positive ratings and reviews.

Only you can decide if blue chalcedony is right for you. As with any healing crystal, if you feel drawn to it instinctively, or if you think you would benefit from its healing properties, you should consider investing in this stone.

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